International Conference on RDEIA- IACM 2012, CSIR, NEERI, March 28-30, 2012, Nagpur

Organizer: Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR),
                  National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI)

Venue: National Environmental Engineering Research Institute,
            Nehru Marg,
            Nagpur 440 020

      CSRI  NEERI 

International Conference on Recent Developments in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) & Integrated Approach for Carbon Management – Solutions, Technology Developments and Pollution Abatement (RDEIA-IACM 2012) will bring together the Indian and International R&D professionals and workers in the field of Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Science and Engineering, Green Chemistry and Green Technologies related to recent advances in Carbon Chemistry and to discuss new and exciting achievements in this field.

This is going to be a major international conference in the area of Environmental Pollution Monitoring, Impact Assessment, Mitigation, Environmental Management Plans and Green Chemistry based approaches for Sustainable solutions. RDEIA-IACM 2012 will deliberate on the front line areas of EIA and Carbon Management Approaches which includes:

  • Environmental Monitoring
  • Environmental Analysis
  • Environmental Impact Assessment – Modeling and Procedures
  • Environmental Management Plans for specific Projects
  • Green Chemistry and Green Technologies
  • Waste Management strategies in Carbon Industry
  • Activated Carbon Management
  • Carbon Sequestration
  • Clean Development Mechanisms
  • Development and applications of Nanotubes

The scientific program will consist of plenary sessions, invited talks, oral and poster presentations.

Registration Fee:
Authors are requested to fill-in the preliminary registration form and submit it along with 2-page abstract. The registration fee includes registration kit, conference lunches/dinners.

                                                                   Before March 15, 2012               After March 15, 2012
Overseas participants                                              US$ 400                                     US$ 450
Indian participants                                                   Rs. 3000                                     Rs. 4000
Students from Institutes in India                           Rs. 1000                                     Rs. 1500
Industry/private organizations                              Rs. 5000                                     Rs. 6000

The registration fee can be paid in the form of a crossed (A/C payee) demand draft drawn in favour of “RDEIA-IACM 2012” payable at State Bank of India, NEERI Nagpur. Overseas participants can use e-transfer for payments in favour of “DIRECTOR, NEERI (RDEIA-IACM 2012) payable at “State Bank of India, NEERI Branch, Nehru Marg, Nagpur (India); IFS Code: SBI N000 4224, Swift Code: SBI NIN BB534”.

Abstract Submission:
Abstract of two pages in length may be prepared using Microsoft Word and submitted by March 5, 2012. Authors are encouraged to prepare their submission in the form of an extended abstract making use of the full two page allowance including figures to assist the selection process.

Abstracts should be submitted to the below mentioned address. Only one author per paper should be nominated as the “Presenting Author”. All communications regarding the abstract submission/acceptance will be directed to the Presenting Author. The Presenting Authors of the accepted papers will be informed by March 9, 2012 including details on presentation mode (oral or poster) and allocated session (for talks). The Organizing Committee reserves the right to allocate abstracts into sessions.

Important Dates:
Abstract Submission: March 5, 2012
Acceptance of Abstracts: March 9, 2012
Registration fee payment: March 15, 2012
Full manuscript submission: March 20, 2012

Download the below attachment for more details

Contact details:
Dr. D.S. Ramteke / Dr. R. J. Krupadam
Organizing Secretary RDEIA-IACM 2012
Chief Scientist & Head,
Environmental Impact & Risk Assessment (EIRA) Division
National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI)
Nerhu Marg,
Nagpur 440 020
Phone: +91-0712-2249884
Email: /

Event Date
Post By: chetana