International Conference on Innovative Approaches for Agricultural Knowledge Management: Global Extension Experiences, INSEE, New Delhi

International Society of Extension Education

Organizer: International Society of Extension Education

Venue: National Agricultural Science Centre Complex, Pusa, New Delhi-110012, India


The Primary objective of the Conference is to facilitate the deliberation and confluence of ideology and experience in order to understand, develop and share innovative knowledge management stragies for agricultural development.

Major Themes:

  1. Agricultural Knowledge Generation, Refinement and Dissemination
  2. Capacity Development for Agricultural Knowledge Management
  3. Use of ICT for Agricultural Knowledge Management
  4. Networking for Agricultural Knowledge Management
  5. Current Agrarain Issues and Agricultural Knowledge Management


The conference will be open to scientists, teachers, extension professionals, farmers, administrators, students and other stakeholders involved in agricultural and rural development from public and private organizations.

Call for Papers

The participants are encouraged to submit their papers relevant to one or more themes of the Conference, Research, theoretical, philosophical and application based (cases, experiences, etc.) contributions will be accepted.

Mode of Submission

The abstract and full length paper have to be sent as a soft copy as an e-mail attachment, and to be sent to the Organizing Secretary through the before the deadlines.


All the participants are requested to register in advance by sending duly filled in registration forms through E-mail ( to the Organizing Secretary by January 31, 2011. The Registration fee has to be sent in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "INSEE International conference 2011". The foreign participants may remit the registration fee through wire transfer, the details of which can be obtained from Organizing Secretary. Once registered, there will be no refund of the registration fee.

Registraion Fee:

  • Members of International Society of Extension Education: INR 2,500
  • Non-Members: INR 3,000
  • Students and retired professionals: INR 1,500
  • Foreign delegates: USD 300
  • For accompanying member: INR 1,000 or USD 200

Important Dates:

  • Submission of Abstract: October 31, 2010
  • Submission of full length paper: January 31, 2011
  • Submission of Registration Form: March 31, 2011
  • Travel and Accommodation Requirements: June 30, 2011

Contact Details:
Dr. K. Vijayaraghavan
Organising Secretary, INSEE International Seminar 2011&
Head, Division of Agricultural Extension, IARI, New Delhi
Ph.No. (O):011-25846434; M:09899009619

For more details

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Post By: rajshekar
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