India Water Week 2012, National Water Development Agency, April 10-12, 2012, New Delhi

Organizers: National Water Development Agency

Venue: Vigyan Bhavan, Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi

National Water Development Agency 

Water is the prime input to the growth and prosperity of the nation.  Keeping in view the vital role of water in all aspects of life and also in assuring sustained development of economy, Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India have endeavored  to celebrate India Water Week on an annual basis to provide a forum for national and international level dialogue for the policy makers as well as  technical and socio-economic area workers in the sector as well as the  society in general for generating innovative ideas and recognizing the works of  significance by the  individuals and organizers.  As a part of the celebrations, a multi-disciplinary conference, a technology-cum-public awareness exhibition and study tours have been planned.   All interested are welcome  for joining hands with the Ministry of Water Resources for making this week a sustained success. This year, the first event will be organised between 10th to 14th April 2012 at New Delhi.


  • Integrated Water Resources Management           
  • Water and Infrastructure Development           
  • Water for Energy Security           
  • Water for Food Security           
  • Climate Change           
  • Water Governance
  • Water Security and Risk Management           
  • Economics and Financing of Water Projects
  • Ground Water Management
  • Urban and Rural Water Management
  • Water and Health
  • Capacity Building for Water Resources Management           
  • Industry Innovative Solutions
  • Research in Water Sector
  • Disaster Management

Call For Papers:
Person(s) who want to present paper(s) on one or more of the above mentioned sub-themes/allied sub-themes are requested to send the synopsis(es) of their proposed paper(s) in about 450-550 words, containing summary and conclusion, typed in double space, on A-4 size (210 mm × 297 mm) paper, font Arial & Size-12 pt in English through Conference website : or send  to the conference secretariat. Only original contributions that have not been published anywhere or presented at any other conference need to be submitted.

Synopsis Should Contain:

  • Title of the paper                                               
  • Comprehensive “Summary & conclusion of paper”
  • Name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s)                       
  • Address for correspondence (including Fax No and e-mail address)

Submission of Comprehensive “Synopsis” December 15, 2011
Intimation of acceptance of “Synopsis” January 15, 2012
Receipt of full text of accepted papers February 28, 2012

Pre-registration fee incentive of US$ 100/ INR 1000 for registration is applicable upto January 15, 2012. The registration fee payable by the delegates, including authors of papers, for participation in the conference is as follows:
Countries            Delegate/Authors             Young Professionals*            Accompanying Persons
  India                     Rs. 8,000/-                       Rs. 4,000/-                          Rs. 3,500/-
  Others                    US$ 700                           US$ 350                               US$ 300
* Upto the age of 40 years.
To avail the young professional concession in the registration fee, the registration form / age of proof have to be submitted to the conference secretariat. The registration fee covers admission to all official functions, technical sessions, one set of pre-session papers, dinner (Welcome and Farewell), lunch and tea in between technical sessions.The Registration for accompanying persons will cover admission to all official lunches, cultural programmes and welcome and farewell dinner.

Contact details:
National Water Development Agency
18 - 20, Community Centre, Saket,
New Delhi - 110017
Phone: 91-11-26519164



Event Date
Post By: chetana
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