Impact of climate change on agricultural livelihoods of women: March 8, 2022

Join us for the upcoming forum on March 8, 2022 from 11:30 AM-12:30 PM on the ‘Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Livelihoods of Women'. Climate Change is a threat across the globe to all livelihoods but people working in agriculture, especially women, are more burdened by the impact of climate change. This will further widen the inequalities in agriculture. Gender inequality in the labour market, specifically in the cases of developing nations is one of the great challenges. The pandemic has hit the lower rung of the occupation hierarchy, especially women working in the informal economy.

There are various socioeconomic variables at play such as lower access to resources compared to men, and poverty. In addition to this, women are considered primarily responsible for collecting water to meet agricultural and household needs. There need to be agencies in place across regions that could help in strategizing how best to create measures and interventions for areas with large female populations that are exposed to high degrees of climate risks.

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The forum will see participation from organisations like JustJobs Network, World Economic Forum, Azim Premji Foundation, and Transforming Rural India Foundation.

Speakers: Sabina Dewan (President and Executive Director, JustJobs Network), Jaskiran Warrik (Project Lead, Food Innovation Hub), Zulfiqar Haider (Chief Strategy and Program Officer at Azim Premji Foundation), and Neeraja Kudrimoti (State Program Officer – Transformation of Aspirational Districts Program, Chhattisgarh; Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India and Transforming Rural India Foundation Partnership)


11:30 AM-11:35 AM: Introduction by Sabina

11:35 AM-12:15 PM: Jaskiran, Zulfi, and Neeraja will share their thoughts

12:15 PM-12:30 PM: Q/A and Closing Remarks

JustJobs Network is a global research organization finding evidence-based solutions to one of the most pressing challenges of our time: How to create more and better jobs worldwide. They produce high-quality empirical research on good job creation, focusing their work on the critical knowledge gaps in the global employment landscape. JustJobs convenes a global network of diverse stakeholders-including policy shapers, academics, and grassroots leaders — to deepen the practical implications of their research endeavours and amplify their impact.

Arthan is an organisation dedicated to strengthening the social sector in India through capacity building and consulting support in the areas of human capital, strategy, fundraising, and partnerships to name a few. Arthan believes in strengthening the social impact ecosystem by creating opportunities for building thought leadership through Arthan Social Forum, by bringing together diverse stakeholders, experts, and practitioners to build dialogue, accelerate solutions and inspire systemic collective action to address the myriad development challenges we face.

Event Date
Post By: Amita Bhaduri