The Fourth Gender, Water and Equity Training Workshop in South Asia, SaciWATERs, Mumbai

Venue: Mumbai

Organizer's: TISS, SaciWATERs, SOPPECOM, GWA

Description: This training-workshop on Gender, Water and Equity is the fourth in a series for researchers, policy makers, development practitioners, academics, and activists from the South Asian region as part of the Crossing Boundaries project of SaciWATERs. The project focuses on regional capacity building on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and Gender of the South Asian countries.

This training- workshop is hosted by Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai, India together with SaciWATERs, the Society for Promoting Participative Ecosystem Management (SOPPECOM), Pune, and the Gender and Water Alliance (GWA). The programme seeks to raise participants’ awareness on key gender, water and equity issues in South Asia and the challenges in mainstreaming a gender equity perspective in water policy and practice through interactive sessions, case study analysis, small group discussions and field exposure.

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Post By: rajshekar