Webinar on 'Ecological disruptions in Kosi Basin: Political economy and community perspective'

18th September 2020 11am – 1pm

Australia Aid, The Asia Foundation, GEAG

Towards the larger goal of river ecology and sustainable management of Kosi river basin’s resources with the integration of water-energy-food aspects, it is important that citizens in river basins living in different micro-ecological situations and across national boundaries understand, appreciate and pro-actively engage as primary stakeholders.

For this purpose, appreciation and alignment among the stakeholders on sustainable water resources management and the nexus of water-energy-food in Kosi River Basin at local, sub-basin and basin and trans-boundary levels were facilitated through a trans-boundary dialoguing process, initiated by Gorakhpur Environmental Action Group (GEAG) with the support of The Asia Foundation (TAF), as part of the DFAT supported Sustainable Development Investment Portfolio (SDIP).

Gender dimensions have been consciously considered in such dialogues. Emphasis is being laid on the emerging contestations amongst various stakeholders at local and transboundary levels which are addressed in a way that appreciates the relevance of food-energy-water nexus and the inherent gender-based variations towards long term management of river ecology and its resources.

An Experience and Knowledge Sharing Webinar on “Ecological Disruptions in Kosi Basin: Political Economy and Community Perspective” is being organized with the following objectives:

  • Understand and unpack the dialoguing process
  • Sharing knowledge and best practices on community engagement at the basin level
  • Identifying next steps to preserve and revive river ecology
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Post By: Amita Bhaduri