Delhi Sustainable Development Summit - The global challenge of resource efficient growth and development, New Delhi, January 31-February2, 2013

DSDS BannerVenue

Taj Palace Hotel
Sardar Patel Marg
Diplomatic Enclave, Chanakyapuri
New Delhi 110 021, India

About DSDS

TERI’s Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS), organized annually since 2001, is an international platform for exchange of knowledge on all nuances of sustainable development. Over the past twelve years, it has emerged as one of the most leading forums on issues of global sustainability. The Summit witnesses the attendance of various heads of State and Governments, thought leaders, policy makers and the crème de la crème of industry and academia who come together to deliberate on myriad issues. Until date, a total of 33 Heads of State and ministers from over 43 countries have registered their presence at the Summit.

DSDS 2013

The debates at the 13th edition of DSDS will help further the resolutions of the Rio+20 Conference delineated in the document entitled – ‘The Future We Want' which desires inclusive and equitable economic growth, greater opportunities and reduction of inequalities across the globe.

DSDS 2013 plenaries will revolve around the sub-themes of:

  •     Adapting to the impacts of climate change
  •     Mitigating emissions of greenhouse gases and associated co-benefits
  •     Employment and growth potential of a green economy
  •     Choices before the BRICS and a new economic construct
  •     Sustainable development and the new knowledge economy
  •     Defining the future we want


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Contact details

Summit Secretariat
The Energy & Resources Institute
Darbari Seth Block
India Habitat Centre
Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110 003 India
Tel. +91 11 24682100, 4150 4900
Fax +91 11 24682144, 24682145

Ms Nisha Sunil (Extension: 2467)

Event Date
Post By: Seetha