Course on Managed Aquifer Recharge: Methods, hydrogeological requirements and impact assessment, Anna University, December 11 - 12, 2012, Chennai - Apply by November 1, 2012

Organiser: Department of Geology, Anna University

Venue:  Anna University

Saph Pani

As an activity under the Research Project Saph Pani , co-funded by the European Commission within the 7th framework programme Two-day course on Managed Aquifer Recharge: Methods, Hydrogeological Requirements, Post and Pre-treatment systems will be conducted at Anna University, Chennai.

Themes of the course will be:

  • Geological and hydrogeologic aspects of MAR
  • Methods of MAR and hydrogeological characterisation
  • MAR with reclaimed water
  • Pre-treatment and post-treatment for MAR systems
  • Groundwater modelling for assessment of impact of MAR structures
  • MAR practices in India

Who should attend?
This course is suitable fro Ph.D students and young scientists in India working on groundwater management by MAR. Professionals and scientists from water resources departments, water supply departments, NGO’s, experts from Universities/ colleges/ institutes, private industries and consultants

Registration fee
The registration fee is Rs. 1,000/- which has to be paid as a demand draft payable at “National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee”. The number of participants is limited to 30. Young researchers/ professionals (preferably less than 35 years of age) will be chosen based on their field of research, expertise etc. No TA/ DA will be paid. The participants are requested to make their own arrangements for boarding and lodging.

Last date for registration: November 1,  2012. Please send the registration form by post/ email to the below address

Contact details:
Prof. L. Elango,
Department of Geology,
Anna University, Chennai – 600 025.
Phone: +91-44-22358442/8444 / 8452

Dr. V. C. Goyal,
Head of Research Coordination & Management Unit
National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee 247 667.

Dowload the attachment for more details and registration form

Event Date