Course on journalism and environment, Centre for Science and Environment, December 1 to 15, 2011, New Delhi


Organizer: Centre for Science and Environment 

Venue: New Delhi


This December, strap up and brace yourselves and learn to communicate the environment-development challenges in contemporary India.

Interact with some of the county’s leading thinkers, academics, activists and development professionals on key environment and development challenges. Learn from them on ecological rights, natural resource management, food security, climate change and global environmental governance, urban growth, pollution control.

Explore and report on community-led eco-restoration efforts in rural India. Write and report from the field under guidance from experts.  

Hands-on workshops to hone your writing and editing skills. Learn the craft of magazine writing, hard news, opinion pieces, editorials and news features. Participate in intense sessions on editing copy, including how to write catchy headlines, captions, blurbs. Tips on how to make your writing more readable through the use of metaphors, tense, voice, verbs and adjectives.

Take part in research and data interpretation exercises. Create a poverty line based on supplied baseline data, interpret a pesticide company's year-end balance sheet, among other challenging tasks. Numbers will reveal how the other India lives. 

Work as a team on your assignment, a published magazine that the class has produced on its own. On the way, you will have learned the entire editorial process, from story idea, research, reporting and editing to photography, design, layouts and production. 

This course is for those who aspire to be communication experts with multilaterals and international agencies or journalists. Those pursuing or those who have completed Bachelor's degree (any discipline), may apply.


  • Environment as a subject of coverage

  • Ecological rights, natural resource management and food security

  • Urban growth: contemporary challenges

  • Climate change policies, politics

  • Hands-on research labs

  • News writing & editing studios

  • Supervised field-based reporting and writing

From: December 1 to 15, 2011

Course Fee: Rs. 15000

This will cover course fee, reading material, stay in hostel and field visit cost. Some fellowships are available.

Contact Details:

Sharmila Sinha 
Centre for Science and Environment
41, Tughlakabad Institutional Area,
New Delhi-110 062
Ph: 91-11 29955124/6110/6399 (Ext: 270);
Fax: 91-11-29955879, AAGC

Click here for details 

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