Course on basic research methodology, Indian Social Institute, September 13 -18 2011, Bangalore


Organiser: Indian Social Institute 

Venue: Bangalore 


Indian Social Institute, Bangalore is organising a Course on Basic Research Methodology for Advocacy and Lobbying for NGOs and CBOs, Leaders of Peoples’ Movements, Young Scholars and PG Students. Though the importance of research is understood by those who are in the field of development and academics, there are very few courses that are available for them. This course aims at filling such a gap.


  • Understanding of social realities and the role of advocacy and lobbying as interventions
  • Basics of research – problem formulation to developing instruments of data collection – analysis of data-Qualitative and Quantitative methods
  • Report Writing Skills
  • Application of Research for Advocacy and Lobbying


  • Class room lectures
  • Reading Material
  • Group Discussions
  • Workshops

The course is meant for any person who is interested in research and acquiring knowledge.  Work experience in the field of development will be an added advantage.  The participant is expected to be at least a graduate with a working knowledge of English. The number of seats available for this course is 25.  The course is in English.

Resource persons who take the classes have extensive experience in field based research, advocacy and lobbying works and teaching. They are drawn from the internal resources of the Institute and from other academic and advocacy centres.

Duration: 6 Days

The last date for applying is 25th of August 2011.

Registration Fee: Rs. 500 
Course Fee: Rs. 4500
The course fee covers course material, shared accommodation and food.
Registration fee is to be sent as D.D drawn in favour of Indian Social Institute, Bangalore. You may also send the registration fee through Money Order.

Send your applications to - The Head of Research Unit

You may also apply through email.

Kindly contact Ms. Lakshmi Periyasamy, Research Associate at +91-9886973770 during the office hours for further information. She can also be contacted through the reception at 080-23536189, 23536960, 23536364 during office hours.   

Contact Details:

Indian Social Institute,
No.24, Benson Road,
Bangalore - 560 046

Event Date
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