Conference on emerging role of PPPs in social infrastructure: Water supply, sewerage and solid waste in Tamil Nadu conducted by CII, Chennai, November 27, 2012



Confederation of Indian Industry - CII


Hotel Park Sheraton, TTK Road, Chennai - 600018, Tamilnadu

About the event

The need to improve access to non-budgetary funds and tap the gains of innovation has popularized the use of Public Private Partnerships across a host of sectors in India. Today, PPPs are almost a norm in sectors like highways, ports and airports, with the highway sector benefitting most from adopting a programmatic approach to encouraging PPPs. Owing to a series of concerted institutional and legislative efforts, today procurement practices have matured and there are standardized bidding practices in the sector.

However, a quick perusal of the eco-system (in terms of tariff regulation, institutional/political support) required to support PPPs, in sectors such as water and waste is observed to be more complex than what has been achieved in the traditional commercial infrastructure sectors like roads and airports, making the process more difficult. Nevertheless, a certain degree of standardization combined with targeted re-arrangements in the institutional and regulatory frameworks, to enable greater participation from stakeholders in the decision making process and better access to non- budgetary sources of finance is desirable and is best achieved programmatically.

It is this recognition that has led to the conception of this high-level strategic CII Conference on ‘Emerging Role of PPPPs : Water Supply, Sewerage and Solid Waste in Tamil Nadu’ in partnership with Athena Infonomics as the Knowledge Partner. This conference seeks to understand and explore the suitability of the existing eco-system for the successful selection and delivery of PPPPs in delivering key civic amenities such as clean drinking water, sewerage treatment and management of solid waste. The additional (P) represents the Citizen and highlights the need to draw up frameworks and models which are more inclusive with greater stakeholder buy in at the planning as well as the project implementation and monitoring phases.

Structure of the conference

The conference has been designed to bring to the fore diverse perspectives from stakeholders across the board and engage them in a series of focused debates on various aspects of PPPP design and implementation, including crucial elements such as pricing, contractual and regulatory bottlenecks and the role of citizens among others.

Contact details

Ms Hema James, Deputy Director, CII, Southern Region Headquarters
Phone: +91-44-42444516
Email :

Mr Raja Karthik, Executive, CII, Chennai office
Phone : +91-44-42444 555
Email :

Event Date