Certificate course on the Agenda for Survival, CSE, AAGC, June 1- 30, 2012, New Delhi

Organizer: Centre for Science & Environment (CSE),  
                   Anil Agarwal Green College (AAGC)

Venue: Anil Agarwal Green College
             38, Tughlakabad Institutional Area
             New Delhi–110062


This interdisciplinary month-long summer certificate course allows Indian participants to understand and critically evaluate issues that lie at the interface of environment & development; poverty; democracy, equity & justice.

Learning mode:
Classroom lectures, case study presentation, discussions, and lot more. Interrogate policy makers and activists. Hear leading academics, policy pundits, lawyers, grassroots activists and members of CSE's research and advocacy teams speak. Several field trips include a week-long field trip to Himalayas to explore community-led eco-restoration efforts in rural India and several field trips within Delhi.

Click here for more on course assignmentReport, write, edit, design and learn hands-on to produce your own magazine.

The course will cover:

  • State of India’s environment: An overview
  • Poverty and the biomass economy
  • Ecological rights & natural resource management
  • Land and its use: Agriculture, food security
  • Conservation & conflict: wildlife management debate
  • Urban growth challenges: Water & waste management, air pollution & mobility
  • Sustainable industrialisation & public health concerns
  • Climate change & global environmental governance
  • Week long field visit to Himalayas and several with Delhi

The course is open to 25 young professionals and college students from any stream from India.

Last date to apply:
Send your résumé / CV  April 21, 2012.

Course fee:
Rs 8,000 (includes the training fees, local and outstation field excursions, reading materials and lunch and refreshments on training days). We will arrange hostel accommodation for outstation participants for a nominal charge of Rs.10,000 (includes stay & food during course tenure).

Select candidates will be awarded fellowships to support their stay in Delhi.

Click here for  more details

Contact details:
Sharmila Sinha,
Anil Agarwal Green College
Tel: +91-9818482018
Email: sharmila@cseindia.org/ / cseindiasharmila@gmail.com




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Post By: chetana
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