Cartography and Map Reproduction (CMR) - Training course schedule 2010, NATMO, Kolkata

National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organisation

Organizer: National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organisation (NATMO)

Venue: NATMO HQ, Kolkata in the Premises of Research, Development and Training Division housed at the 7th  floor of  DF Block, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700 064


The National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organization (formerly National Atlas of India) was set up in 1956. The organization is engaged in preparation of maps and atlases of different themes using aerial photographs, remote sensing data, GIS, Field surveys etc. The organization is unique of its kind in the country in the field of Thematic Cartography and Geographical research. It has imparted training to Geographers and Geologists belonging to various state central government departments, Universities, colleges and autonomous institutions.

NATMO offers the training program in the various fields of map-making during the calendar year 2010:

  • Cartography and Map Reproduction (Two weeks)


  • To train and develop human resources at professional level
  • To provide exposure to the participants about the application of Aerial Photographs and Satellite Imagery, extraction of thematic inputs and their applications in Geographical Information System (GIS)
  • To provide exposure on advanced mapping techniques

Course Fees:

  • Rs.8000/ for professionals
  • Rs.5000/ for students

Mode of Payment

The course fee has to be paid by Bank Draft Drawn in favor of “Senior Accounts Officer, RPAO II (SOI and NATMO), Kolkata ” payable at Kolkata. Course fee is non-refundable.

How to Apply

Candidates are requested to send the filled in application form (specimen attached), so as to reach the following address on or before the last date of receiving application.

Last date of application: 08-09-10

Click here for more information

Contact Details:

Dr.B.P. Singh
Dy.Director & Head
Research Development & Training Division
National Atlas & Thematic Mapping Organization
CGO Complex, 7th floor, DF Block, Salt Lake,
Kolkata 700 064.
Mobile: +919883099435

Research Officer & Course Co-ordinator
Mobile: +919433765272
Phone: 2334-6341/6585/5349/6331/6459/5006 Ext. 348 / 347 / 350
Fax: (033) 23346460

Event Date
Post By: Rama Mani