Campaign planning against the US Water Trade Mission to India, 15th February, 2011, Bangalore

The Americans are coming for our water. Stop the water Terrorists!

Organizer: The Right to Water Campaign Karnataka

Venue: SCM House, off Mission Road, Bangalore


After a series of water privatisation programs in Karnataka, the Governments of India and the United States have now hatched a larger plan to convert all our waters into a huge business opportunity. The US Government and an exclusive group of American business executives are coming to India on the 28th of February,2011 to “Tap the $50 billion (2.5 Lakh Crore) Indian Water Market”.

We need to raise our voice against this attempt by the Americans. The people of the state have the responsibility to stop them from stealing our water. The Right to Water campaign Karnataka, has taken the first step to discuss this critical issue with all those concerned with mother water. All of us feel that we must send back these companies along with their vision and mission.

The peoples’ campaign for right to water-Karnataka is organising a planning meet at SCM House, off Mission Road, Bangalore. Friends, we request you to come for half a day discussion on 15th February, 2011 for strategizing our mission to setback the water trade mission.

Download the below attachment for more details

Contact details:
Dr. Kshithij Urs - 9845452242 
Rajendran Prabhakar - 9449820566                                  
Issac Arul Selva - 9480452037

Event Date
Post By: Chethan.S