Call for papers for the workshop on 'Regulation and management of groundwater in the age of climate change: Need for legal reforms in India', National Law University, New Delhi

NLUD workshop on climate change and groundwater
NLUD workshop on climate change and groundwater

Call for papers

The workshop is an opportunity for academics, students, practitioners and activists to come together, exchange ideas, and discuss emerging issues relating to implications of climate change on groundwater in India and the legal responses. The workshop will combine sessions with invited speakers and presentations and discussions of research papers.

NLUD is pleased to invite submissions from scholars including PhD students exploring issues relating to the theme of the workshop. Authors of selected abstracts will be invited to present their papers. Major themes of the workshop include but not limited to:

• Water law in India and its potential to address the challenges posed by climate change

• Nature of groundwater rights in India and the need for reforms

• Implications of climate change for the realisation of the right to water

• Groundwater rules and institutions: case study of individual states

• Existing institutional mechanism for groundwater regulation and governance

• Draft Model Bill for the Conservation, Protection and Regulation of Groundwater, 2011

Important dates

Submission of abstract (not more than 250 words): 28 February 2015

Notification of decision: 05 March 2015

Submission of full paper (not more than 10,000 words): 25 March 2015

Registration Fee

The registration fee for participants is Rs. 1000/-(Rupees One Thousand Only) which will cover lunch and workshop kit. Subject to the availability, NLUD will offer boarding and lodging at the university guest house / hostel to a limited number of outstation participants.

For more information download the event brochure from below or click here.

Event Date
Post By: Swati Bansal