Call for papers-The Unorganised Sector in India: Extending the Debate to Mining and Quarrying - Seminar organised by Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Jaipur, 27-28th July, 2013




Mine Labour Protection Campaign Trust (MLPC), Australian National University (ANU) and Santulan 

The seminar

Purpose of the seminar is to discuss the issues and challenges around the unorganised sector in India and extend the debates to unorganised mining and quarrying activities. The broad themes of the seminar may be grouped as, but are not necessarily limited to, the following: 

    • To regulate or regularize? Governanceof unorganized mines and quarries, and possible alternatives
    • Industrial proletariats in non-industrial settings (or vice-versa)? Production systems and relations
    • Unorganized mining and labour control: contradictions and convergence in policies
    • Where are the trade unions? Politics of labour organization in unorganized mining
    • Gender and caste in unorganized mining and quarrying
    • Occupational health and safety issues in unorganized mines and quarries
    • Poverty or tradition? Children working in mines and quarries
    • Laws for (and compliance to) the environment for unorganized mines and quarries

Call for papers

Those interested in participating in the seminar may choose to share theoretical formulations or empirical work on the unorganised mining and quarrying and send in their abstracts.

  • Abstracts of about 500 words to be sent to the organisers along with a brief (not more than 100 words) biographical outline by May 30, 2013
  • These should be sent in a doc file as attachment to emails 
  • They should include title of the abstract, author’s name, designation, affiliating institution/organization, mailing address, contact no., E-mail ID, and text. 
  • Information regarding acceptance and presentation will be communicated to the authors by June 20, 2013
  • Full paper to be submitted by July 10, 2013 

Registration fees for paper presenters

  • Students: INR 500/-
  • Others: INR 1,000/-

Mode of payment

Demand draft or Cheque drawn in favour of Mine Labour Protection Campaign Trust payable at Jodhpur

Contact Details

Dr. Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt or Dr. Bipin Jojo 

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