Call for papers, Sixth Biennial Conference, The Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE), 20th - 22nd October, 2011, Hyderabad

CESSNature, Economy and Society - Understanding the Linkages

Organizer: Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS)

Venue: Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS), Begumpet, Hyderabad


  • Ecosystems and Ecosystem Services for Life and Human Well-being
  • Accounting for Nature including indices, macro and micro approaches
  • Global and Local Impact of Economic Growth, Trade and Globalisation on the Environment (at different scales)
  • Alternative Methodological Approaches to Nature and Society and Assessing the Role of Knowledge and Power
  • Social Norms, Culture and Human Behaviour in relation to the Environment
  • Towards Green and Sustainable Socio-economic Systems including ecological agriculture, energy efficient industry and sustainable urban habitats
  • Equity and Governance Issues in relation to the global, national and local commons


The Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE) is holding its sixth biennial conference at Hyderabad. The conference shall address a diverse repertoire of issues at the interface of nature, economy and society and explore how to use the understanding for policy formulation. The discussion of issues is expected to cover cutting-edge conceptual and methodological advances being made in the different disciplines and also address current policy relevant problems in the area of environment, development and social justice. We expect to attract papers, panels and symposia that will focus on the themes and subthemes.

INSEE invites papers on the above topics for presentation at the conference. Kindly mention the topic within which your paper falls. Abstracts and full papers, preferably in soft copy, should be sent to Dr. Sushil Kumar Sen ,Office Manager, INSEE.

Last date to submit abstract: 28th February, 2011

Communication on acceptance of abstract: 31st March, 2011

Last date to submit full paper for refereeing: 15th May, 2011

Download the below attachment for more details

Contact details:
Dr. Sushil Kumar Sen
Office Manager, INSEE
C/o. Institute of Economic Growth
University of Delhi Enclave (North Campus)
Delhi-110007 (India)
Tele fax: 011-27667410

Event Date
Post By: Chethan.S