Call for papers - 53rd Annual Conference, Indian Society of Labour Economics, December 17-19, 2011, Udaipur, Rajasthan


Organisation: Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE)

Venue: Udaipur, Rajasthan


The Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE) is a broad based organization, which promotes comprehensive scientific studies of labour and related matters, provides a forum for free and frank exchange of views on various aspects of labour and related issues among all the people concerned, and disseminates information and knowledge for a wider debate.

The 53rd Annual Conference of the ISLE will be held during 17-19 December, 2011 at Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India. Papers are being invited for the following topics -

  • Women’s work
  • Labour and environment
  • Social protection for workers in India

The paper should not exceed 8000 words (including tables and appendices) and should adhere to the style of writing being followed in the current issues of the Indian Journal of Labour Economics (IJLE). Those who wish to 
contribute may send papers along with a summary of about 1000
 words in hard as well as soft copy latest by September 30, 2011 to

 Hon. Secretary,
The Indian Society of Labour Economics,
NIDM Building, IIPA Campus, I.P. Estate,
Mahatma Gandhi Marg,
 Delhi – 110002, India

The soft copies may be emailed to:

The summaries of the selected papers will 
be brought out as a publication of conference summaries
 while selected papers will be reviewed and published in the future 
issues of the Indian Journal of Labour Economics.

Two awards have been instituted for best paper writers, below 40
 years: Ruddar Datt Memorial Award and Sanjay Thakur Young Labour
 Economist Award (carrying prize money of Rs. 10,000 each).

willing to be considered for the awards have to furnish age proof 
along with their full paper before the deadline.

Registration Fees:

For participants: Rs. 600 for India, US$ 75 for SAARC countries 
and US$ 100 for other countries

For spouse or an accompanying 
person: Rs 500 for India, US$ 50 for SAARC countries and 
US$ 75 for other countries

Payments should be made in favour
 of the “Local Organising Secretary, 53rd Annual Conference of ISLE”
 through Demand Draft payable at ICICI Bank, University Campus
 Branch, Udaipur, Rajasthan.

Those who are not members of ISLE have to separately send the 
society’s membership fee along with the filled out form available on
 the website, to the Hon. Secretary at the society address mentioned 
above. The annual membership fee for individuals in India is
 Rs. 400 and for overseas US$ 60. Individual life membership in India 
is for Rs. 4000.

Last Date: September 30, 2011

Contact Details:

For registration and reservation of accommodation for the conference, 
please contact either:

Prof. Anju Kohli
The Organising Secretary
53rd Annual Conference of the ISLE
Dean, University College of Social Science & Humanities

 Sukhadia University
Udaipur – 313001
Mob: 09414165756
Res: 0294-2521614


Dr. Anu Prabha Choudhary
 Secretary of the Conference
 of Economics
University College of Social Science & Humanities

 Sukhadia University
Udaipur – 313001
Mob: 09414158614/ 07597911168


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