Agenda for Survival - A month long course on environment and development issues, Centre for Science and Environment, 1st - 30th June, 2011, Anil Agarwal Green College, New Delhi

Agenda for survivalOrganizer: Centre for Science and Environment(CSE)

Venue: Anil Agarwal Green College, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi


  • State of India’s environment: An overview
  • The environmental movement in India   
  • Poverty and the biomass economy
  • Ecological rights & natural resource management 
  • Land and its use: Agriculture, food security  
  • Conservation & conflict: wildlife management debate   
  • Urban growth challenges: Water & waste management, air pollution & mobility 
  • Sustainable industrialisation & public health concerns  
  • Climate change & global environmental governance 
  • A week-long field trip to rural India to explore eco-restoration efforts at the grassroots level


This month-long summer certificate course allows participants to understand and critically evaluate issues that lie at the interface of environment & development; poverty; democracy, equity & justice. Participants are given an intense briefing on issues that are of concern to India and other developing countries. Field trips and meetings with communities serve to illustrate innovations and eco-restoration efforts that communities make to enable them to face the challenges of managing their natural resources base.

Participants will get time to read, report, watch films and review them, attend seminars, and interact with guest speakers, eminent activists and policy makers. As part of their assignment, participants will put together a journalistic product online documentary project using text, video and audio, alternatively they will also report, edit and design a magazine.

Admission criteria:

A total of 30 participants will be selected. The course is open to young professionals and college students from any stream. Candidates are required to send their latest CV/resume by April 15, 2011. In addition, they are required to submit a 750-word essay on one of the two given topics.

Course Fee: Rs 18,000/ -

Last date for applying: 15th April, 2011

Click here for more details

Contact Details:
Sharmila Sinha
Assistant coordinator
Anil Agarwal Green College
38, Tughlakabad Institutional Area
New Delhi–110062
Tel: 91-11-29955125, Ext: 270

Event Date
Post By: Chethan.S