Acara Challenge 2011 – Finals, 16th May, 2011 at Institute on the Environment, St. Paul Campus, Minnesota and live webcast

ACARA Institute on the EnvironmentOrganizer: Acara Institute on the Environment

Venue: Institute on the Environment (IonE) University of Minnesota, St. Paul Campus, 1954 Buford Ave, 325 VoTech Building. All presentations will be webcast live.


The Acara Challenge is a unique way for a university to get their students involved in entrepreneurship and sustainable design for social change. The purpose of the Acara Challenge is to: Engage students in a multi-discipline, multi-country collaboration to develop sustainable solutions and business models to challenging global social issues. Incubate and implement the winning plans into successful sustainable social businesses.

In the current edition of the Acara Challenge, about 20 teams from 12 participating universities in US, India and Mexico have come up with business ideas to improve Food and Water Security. Their ideas range from cleaning tannery contaminated water for irrigation, revitalizing defunct sanitation systems to improved design of food carts for street vendors. All plans are very interesting and show the efforts put in by the students, mentors and professors.

Of these teams, eight have been shortlisted to present at the upcoming Acara Challenge Finals on May 16,2011 at Institute on the Environment, UMN, St.Paul. We would like to invite you to watch the presentations in-person or the live webcast, to see the students' enthusiasm and their pitch for the Acara scholarships.

Download the below attachment for schedule and finalist venture descriptions

Contact Details:
Institute on the Environment (IonE)
University of Minnesota, St. Paul Campus
1954 Buford Ave
325 VoTech Building
St. Paul, MN 55108

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