Prof. A. Vaidyanathan

Prof. A. Vaidyanathan
Efficiency of water use in Indian agriculture - Madras Institute of Development Studies
This working paper by the Madras Institute for Development Studies informs that the increase in the demand for water in all sectors especially in agriculture, and dwindling nature of the per capita availability of its supply in recent decades has induced scientists and researchers to focus their attention more on efficient use of available water. However, informed discussion of the problem and its solutions is impeded by the lack of adequate and reliable knowledge of how much water is used, where, for what purpose and how efficiently. This paper is a modest attempt to fill this gap. Posted on 29 Aug, 2009 01:10 PM

This paper by the Madras Institute for Development Studies presents estimates of the ‘consumptive use’ of water in crop production; the ratio of consumptive use to gross water utilization; and productivity per unit of consumptive use.
