Kirit S Parekh

Kirit S Parekh
Ground Water Management and Ownership: Report of the Expert Group - Planning Commission (2007)
The report of the Planning Commission takes stock of the availability and use of groundwater and suggests the need for exploiting the untapped ‘static’ water Posted on 31 Jul, 2010 03:52 PM

The report of the Expert Group on Ground Water Management and Ownership (2007) of the Planning Commission takes stock of the availability and use of groundwater and outlines the extent, causes and consequences of groundwater exploitation. It suggests the need for exploiting the untapped ‘static’ water, which if untapped creates stagnant conditions and over time provides the necessary time factor for the deterioration in quality. The rising demand for groundwater from agriculture has been attributed to the legal/regulatory regime governing groundwater and partly to the minimum support price policy and agricultural trade policy currently being followed.
