Environmental Equity and Justice Partnership (EEJP)

Environmental Equity and Justice Partnership (EEJP)
Announcement for small grants and fellowships for work on toxicity, waste and pollution,Environmental Equity and Justice Partnership (EEJP), 2010
This is an announcement on availability of small grants & fellowship for work on toxicity, waste & pollution in India by Environmental Equity and Justice Partnership (EEJP)
Posted on 25 Jan, 2010 04:10 PM

Small Grants and Fellowships Available for Work on Toxicity, Waste and Pollution in India

Environmental Equity and Justice Partnership (EEJP) announces the launch of second phase of its grant program. Over next three years the program will work towards ‘securing environmental justice, especially for poor and the marginalized who are often expected to bear more than their share of environmental burdens’.

Towards the attainment of this larger goal, EEJP strives to catalyse grassroots initiatives, trigger new imagination and perspectives, encourage crossover linkages, and provide greater opportunities to connect to environmental thinking. This it seeks to accomplish through its two components -- Environmental Small Grants (for organisations) and Environmental Fellowship (for individuals)
