Zen and the art of wise water management Rainwater Clubs youtube channel crosses 1 million views

Those readers who got the insider joke in the title need no introduction to the rainwater harvesting and ecological sanitation evangelist that is zenrainman.

Vishwanath Srikantaiah, as he is otherwise known, is the force behind the Rainwater Club. The Bangalore-based Rainwater Club has been advocating, promoting, teaching, and demonstrating the efficacy of good water and sanitation management solutions of all sorts, with a focus on rainwater harvesting and sustainable sanitation, for well over a decade.

The Club has utilized a bouquet of methods to spread information including lectures, demonstrations, articles and nearly every means of social outreach available online. Similarly, Biome Solutions, headed by his wife Chitra Vishwanath and him, incorporates ecological thinking into architecture.

Vishwanath conducting a video interview

Vishwanath in his element (photo courtesy: Mark Charmer)

1 million views for a Youtube channel that does not involve any celebrities or popular entertainment but confines itself to water and sanitation issues is a matter to celebrate. It is an important indicator of the increasing interest and awareness of water and sanitation matters among Indian citizens. Even more, it is  appreciation for one man's efforts to address the water stress the world is facing.

Congratulations, Vishwanath. And thank you.

Here are some of Vishwanath's more popular and interesting videos

This short and instructive film demonstrates how greywater can be collected and treated to grow rice on an urban roof, while also allowing us a peek at Vishwanath's home.

The ara-ghatta or Persian wheel

Where angels fear to tread..Vishwanath takes us to watch the opening of the pit for a compost toilet.

Some primers:

These videos provide enough information to get you started on rainwater harvesting and using your roof wisely:

Using a rainguage is easy and fun!

Simple tools to assess and purify your rainwater

Solar energy, rainwater collection, rice farming = a smart roof

Household centred rainwater harvesting and ecological sanitation

Ecosan- Experiments on nutrient reuse on banana

Interested ?

Learn more about the Rainwater Club.

Read his blog.

Be inspired by ecological architecture.

See his photos.

Watch more videos on the Water and Sanitation YouTube Channel.

View his presentations.

Like his work ? - Befriend him on Facebook, or follow him on Twitter.

Vishwanath has also been participating extensively in discussions on  the India Water Portal. You  can read them here.

Post By: iwpsuperadmin