Why India needs to link rainfall to climate change

 Climate Change has already arrived in India.  The recent flooding in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka is portentuous of the times to come.  As climate change accelerates, so will the unpredictability and intensity of the rainfall, giving rise to such anomalous situations asint the  flooding of  dry river basins in Southern India.

Indians have long since felt the effects of the capricious monsoons. However, it is only in the recent years that the predictions of weather departments have gone haywire, with every year ushering in novel situations that have no precedence for study and analysis. While monsoons are getting widely spread over the months June to September since last year, flooding in arid or minimal rainfall zones are becoming increasingly frequent. Does this mean climate change has already affected the weather and rainfall pattern in India? Seems so. 

One may cite many such examples in the past years, from the historically dry State of Rajasthan that has witnessed unprecedented flooding in 2006 and 2007, to Bihar which faces heavier floods each successive year, due to increased run-off from mountain glaciers in Tibet and Nepal.

The livelihood of the people of India and the economy itself, largely depends upon agriculture, forestry, wetlands and fisheries. The monsoon rains influence land-usage, which is grossly dependant upon water-based eco-systems. Vagaries of rainfall patterns and changes in water cycle are also directly related to water borne diseases.


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