Waterless urinal from Parryware


On a recent visit to the National Institute for Advanced Studies, Bangalore (http://www.nias.res.in/, site was down as of 15th June, Saturday night), we saw that the men's bathroom had waterless urinals from Parryware. There was also a request to turn off the light when leaving the bathroom. Three cheers for NIAS for promoting sustainability in small but important ways. Some points: -- It seems the urinals were malodorous and the people in the rooms above complained. Some air freshener type thing is being used now for this, and it is effective, we did not feel any odour in the bathroom. So more design work seems necessary. Binayak of Arghyam mentioned that the waterless urinals at UNESCO-IHE ( ) used a odour absorbing material to handle this problem. -- The urinal saves water but what would be even more cool was if the urine was used as fertilizer. One can envision large public facilities like airports and railway stations where all the urine is put to productive use !! -- The contact information at Parryware is http://www.eparryware.com and waterless@parry.murugappa.com. Can we hear more stories of waterless urinal installations and how they are working ? -Vijay, Water Portal team

Post By: iwp