Water Portal wins a Manthan Award

The India Water Portal is very pleased to inform that we won a Manthan Award for ICT and Digital Content in Development, in the E-Science and Environment category. Quoting from their website, "Manthan Award is a first of its kind initiative in India to recognize the best practices in e-Content and Creativity. It (https://www.manthanaward.org) was launched on 10th October '2004, by Digital Empowerment Foundation in partnership with World Summit Award and American India Foundation. Since then it has come to define the very best in e-Content for development arena in India. Now, after four immensely successful years of holding it within India, the organisers have felt that it's about time it is expanded a bit and its areas of operation now is all of SAARC countries namely India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Bhutan & Afghanistan." The citation reads: "So far knowledge about water in India existed in silos of universities, governmental and non-governmental organizations. Traditional knowledge and understanding around water were in serious threat. The launch of the India Water Portal has come as a timely resource centre in providing holistic information and content base on water and various issues. Reaching out to a visitor base of around 600 each day and 18000 visits a month, the commitment of the Water Portal to reduce both the digital and the content asymmetry prevalent in India can be validated from their emphasis on "language portals", "multimedia courses" and the "Kannada Radio shows". With multilingual options, the India Water Portal hopes to create effective advocacy and awareness regarding water related issues among general masses in order to achieve solutions for water woes." More information about the awardees is at : https://www.manthanaward.org/files/Manthan_Award_Book_2008.pdf === We are happy at this acknowledgement of our work for which we see the particapation from a broad cross-section of particapants across the water sector and citizens as crucial. We urge more particapation from all players going forward to make the Portal still more successful and useful to everyone, and realize its vision of being a common platform. dsc000421.jpg
Post By: iwp