Water policy of Union Territory of Puducherry- A draft by Department of Science, Technology and Environment, Government of Puducherry (2012)

This draft of water policy of Puducherry byDepartment of Science, Technology and Environment, Government of Puducherry provides a brief description of average rainfall, population, per capita of sewage generated , utility of groundwater resources and water requirements for various sectors and elaborates on the following issues:

  • Information system
  • Water resources planning
  • Institutional mechanism
  • Water allocation priorities
  • Project planning
  • Ground water development
  • Rain water harvesting
  • Drinking water
  • Irrigation
  • Financial and physical sustainability
  • Participatory approach to water resources management
  • Private sector participation
  • Water quality
  • Conservation
  • Climate change
  • Flood control and management
  • Land erosion by sea or river
  • Drought prone area development
  • Monitoring of projects
  • Performance improvement
  • Maintenance and modernization
  • Science, technology and environment
  • Training
  • Conclusion

Click below to download the draft.
