Water disinfection - a manual by World Health Organisation (2003)

This manual by the Pan American Center for Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences (CEPIS/PAHO), under the aegis of the World Health Organisation (WHO), provides extensive information on various methods that can be employed for disinfecting water. The manual also contains sections on alternative disinfection methods, special/emergency disinfection and a summary section on the various methods, that will help quickly decide the appropriate method to use for a given context.

The manual is divided into the following chapters:

  1. Disinfection
  2. Solar disinfection
  3. Chlorine
  4. Ultraviolet radiation
  5. Slow filtration
  6. Ozone
  7. Chlorine dioxide
  8. Minifiltration
  9. Alternative disinfection methods
  10. Special and emergency disinfection
  11. Comparitive data on disinfection techniques

Download the manual from below:


Post By: Rama Mani