Water for the differently abled



  1. Identify and select a few households with at least one person with some form of disability in each.

  2. Conduct a water audit in each household, keeping separate sheets for each person. Note that this should be done for both differently abled and those with no such distinction.

  3. Observe and record the effort (try to estimate) and the time taken by the differently abled people as against those without any disability to reach and use the water points like taps, showers, basins, water-filter etc.

Data Analysis

  1. Prepare comparative charts / diagrams, showing water consumption of the differently abled persons and those without any disability in each household.

  2. Calculate the average time and effort for the differently abled of all households studied as against the others.

  3. Which group has access to move water, more no. of times? How big is the difference?

  4. Which group has to spend how much time and effort to get access to water for various purposes? How big or small is the difference?

  5. Can you find the reasons for your results?

Action /Implementation

  1. Present your findings represented nicely in chart / posters/, with comparative figures for each parameter (how much water, how much effort to reach, time spent, any recurring pattern difficulty?) to your schoolmates, their parents, architects, engineers etc, discuss your data and possible reasons.

  2. Can the situation be improved if the location of the water-delivery points are made more disabled friendly (Has to be specific designs for different types)? The heights, widths, barrier-free location? Try your creativity and if you have an idea; try it at one place and study / measure again.

  3. Do you have any idea / can you locate products in the market-such as taps / showers etc. whose design is more disabled friendly? Try and measure again.


Source: Harness water resources for a better future - Activity Guide for the 13th National Children's Science Congress 

Post By: iwpsuperadmin