"Water Conflicts in India" - New book

conflicts_cover.bmp "Water Conflicts in India: Million Revolts in the Making" Edited by K.J.Joy, Biksham Gujja, Suhas Paranjpye, Vinod Goud, Shruti Vispute The book includes 63 case studies of water conflicts of different types across the country. India Water Portal will soon publish 16 of these case studies on the website. We thank the editors for making these available to us. You can order this book from: Taylor & Francis Books India Pvt Ltd 912 Tolstoy House, 15-17 Tolstoy Marg, New Delhi: 110 001. Email: tandfindia@airtelbroadband.in Tel.: (00 91 11) 2371 2131; 2371 2134; 2371 2135; 2335 1453 Fax: (00 91 11) 2371 2132

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