Water and Wastewater Engineering and Management - A Civil Engineering Course under the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning

This Civil Engineering Course under the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) on the broad subject of Water and Wastewater Engineering and Management is being carried out by Indian Institute of Technology’s and the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore as a collaborative project supported by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (Government of India) to enhance the quality of engineering education in the country, by developing curriculum based video and web courses. In these web based lectures, the authors have developed the subject in detail and in stages in a student-friendly manner. The broad group of Water and Wastewater Engineering and Management is structured into modules on the following topics:

Water and Wastewater Engineering

This course by IIT Kanpur provides an overview of engineering approaches with an emphasis on fundamental principals of domestic water treatment & supply and domestic wastewater collection & treatment. In the section on domestic water treatment supply the following are discussed – sources and quality of municipal water supply, water quantity and intake details, unit processes in municipal water treatment, municipal water treatment plant design details, water storage tanks and distribution network and rural water supply. The course modules for this section can be downloaded at the NPTEL website here

The section on domestic wastewater collection and treatment deals with municipal wastewater quantity and quality, municipal wastewater collection and treatment philosophy, preliminary and primary wastewater treatment, secondary wastewater treatment, tertiary and advanced treatment, residuals management, municipal wastewater treatment plant design details, treated effluent disposal, natural methods of wastewater treatment, hygiene and sanitation. The course modules for this section can be downloaded at the NPTEL website here

This course is also provided by IIT Madras and covers water and wastewater quality enhancement/quantity estimation/characteristics, water treatment system unit operations, sedimentation, coagulation and flocculation. The course videos can be viewed at the NPTEL website here

Wastewater Management

This course by IIT Kharagpur deals with the collection system used for sewage, estimation of sewage discharge, conventional ways of sewage treatment, advanced methods currently introduced for treatment of sewage, and sludge handling and treatment. The concept of decentralized sewage treatment is introduced with possible reuses of treated sewage. It gives an overview of wastewater management and a fair idea of hydraulic design of various components of the sewerage scheme. The course modules can be downloaded at the NPTEL website here 

Post By: Amita Bhaduri