The Water and Sanitation channel on YouTube



Dear All, The Water and Sanitation Channel on youtube- reached a landmark today with the number of videos uploaded reaching the 300 mark. This has been an initiative to document and highlight efforts ongoing in such fields as rainwater harvesting, eco-san, grey-water reuse, groundwater recharge , ecological flows in rivers and such allied issues. It has now hit a steady view rate of 400 a day and has overall been viewed nearly 200,000 times . It is the 20th most viewed ALL time channel from India in the Reporters section and the 20th most subscribed in the Reporters section ( with such other eminent channels ahead such as bodybuilding and punjabi cute boy :) ) The latest video uploaded is on the Chalakudy river in Kerala and to understand the construct and imagination of a river in modern times. One of the most popular videos has been on the guppy fish and it has a young audience to thank that for The channel has been the first to highlight such technologies and efforts as The Persian wheel The use of the H2S test for e.coli in water Eco-san Rainwater harvesting from a polyhouse How groundwater exists and moves in hardrock and the ever popular How to grow rice on rooftops with grey water The channel has also had eminent personalities on it speaking Shri Raghuvansh Prasad Singh ex- Union Minister on Rural Development Dr Tushar Shah on India's groundwater economy Kalpanatai Salunkhe I would urge you to spread the word on this channel which the likes of India Water Portal are doing and also to urge people to subscribe to it. This will help open up this channel to subscribers in India and also enable a better collection of videos to emerge . The support of Arghyam has been crucial to the success of the channel and with resonses from viewers like this one "Anyone who lives in the United Sates knows that doctors and engineers are mostly all from India. And we are glad to have them here!" - on the video Treating kitchen wastewater or "Thankyou, gentlemen, for this information!" - on the use of the H2S strip test for water quality checking The limitation has been the necessity for a broadband connection to be able to view the videos . As broadband connectivity and penetration increases , this too shall become available for more people. Thank you then for the patience and the support With warm regards -- Vishwanath S. --

Post By: iwp