Use of Saline Water for Crop production

Use of Saline Water for Crop production

Hypothesis : It is possible to grow some crops that have a low water requirement in partly diluted saline water


Considering the gradual increase in the demand for fuel, food and fibres and reduction in per capita availability of water-resources, it is essential to minimize the use of good quality water by exploring the possibilities of using saline water for growing crops. This is essentially required in the coastal and other salt-effected regions of the country. The productivity of the land may be affected due to saline water irrigation, but the possibilities to overcome it may be explored. The project has, therefore, been proposed to explore the possibility of using saline water for crop production in a sustainable way.

Materials / Equipment Required
  1.  Some healthy seeds
  2. 8-12 soil filled pots
  3. Saline water from sea, river or ponds
  4. 3-4 metallic Utensils to boil water
  5. Filter paper or piece of cloth
  1. Healthy seeds of some suitable crops are to be procured / collected.
  2. The seeds are to be soaked in good quality water for 6-8 hours and then air dried
  3. 8-12 soil filled pots are to be saturated well with good quality water.
  4. The desired number of soaked seeds are to be sown properly in each of the pots
  5. Saline water is then collected.
  6. The saline and good quality water are to be mixed in 1:0.5, 1:1, 1:1.5 and 1:2 proportions and to be kept properly in different labeled containers.
  7. Salinity or salt content of water are to be found out by following process:

A known volume (1.0 litre) of water is taken and kept in flat container. The water is then allowed to evaporate, while the salt will be left in the container. The container with the salt is weighed. The difference in the weight of the container and the previous weight will give the weight of the salt content. The percentage amount of salt in the water is then calculated 


Source: Harness water resources for a better future - Activity Guide for the 13th National Children's Science Congress 

Post By: iwpsuperadmin