Upkeep of public toilets to be outsourced in North Delhi

NDMC to outsource public toilet upkeep
A proposal to outsource the upkeep of the public convenience facilities has been passed by the standing committee of the North Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC). As a result, the maintenance of the community toilet complexes and public urinals will now be outsourced to companies for a period of seven years. While private contractors can use 50 per cent of the space for advertising, strict penalties have been introduced for various infractions. The civic body had earlier tried to implement a similar project, but with little success.
Railways to equip all coaches with bio-toilets by 2019
Indian Railways is working extra time to fit all rail coaches in India with bio-toilets by 2019, two years ahead of the schedule. The railways had initially planned to phase out the current system of emptying human excreta directly on to the tracks by 2020-21. About 35,000 bio-toilets have been fitted in 10,000 railway coaches as on March 31, 2016. The railways generate 6000 tonnes of solid waste everyday out of which close to 4000 tonnes gets dumpeddirectly on the tracks.
Rapid urbanisation turns Mumbai's Mithi into rotten drain
From a natural storm-water drain that channels excess rainwater into the sea, Mumbai’s Mithi River has transformed into a rotten drain over the years. Traversing a distance of 17.8 kilometres through the city slums and industrial sectors, the river acts as a receptacle for all solid and liquid waste these localities have to offer. Resuscitating Mithi would be close to impossible if arrangements for local solid waste management remain unchanged.
Five public toilets dedicated to women open in Nagpur
The Nagpur Municipal Corporation has opened five toilets exclusively for women in association with the Rotary Club of Ishanya. An external agency will be appointed to operate and maintain these facilities which will function between 7am and 10pm every day. The corporation plans to construct 45 more of these ‘pay and use’ toilet blocks in the future.
This is a roundup of important sanitation related news published between June 6-10, 2016
Lead image courtesy: DNA
Post By: iwpsuperadmin