Two Mumbai slums get bio-digester public toilets

Bio-digester toilet complexes come up in Dharavi and Mahim in Mumbai
The municipal corporation of Greater Mumbai inaugurated two bio-digester toilet complexes with 30 seats each in the localities of Dharavi and Mahim in Mumbai. As these toilets are not connected to the underground sewerage system, the corporation is planning to set up such bio-digester units in other slums which are not connected to the city sewerage network. Bio-digester toilets break up human excreta into water and gas, and hence do not require the physical removal of the putrid matter. 
Lack of adequate toilet facility in the slums and coastal settlements of Thiruvananthapuram
The Thiruvananthapuram corporation has identified 3,250 houses without individual latrines within the city limits. In a bid to achieve open defecation free (ODF) status quickly, the corporation has constituted an ODF cell to co-ordinate public and private toilet construction activities. Slums and coastal settlements were found to lack household toilets. Thiruvananthapuram currently has 39 public toilets, and the corporation has estimated that 70 more public toilets are required to cover all wards appropriately.
Solid waste generated by Bengaluru can be converted into energy: IISc
A study by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru has revealed that a significant portion of organic waste generated in the city can be used to generate biogas. The study suggests that close to 0.1944 million cubic metres of biogas can be generated per day from Bengaluru's daily waste discharge. Researchers have also suggested decentralised bio-methanation waste treatment systems to minimise transportation cost.
Just over 1900 toilets built in Bhubaneswar in two years
Bhubaneswar municipal corporation has managed to build just 1924 toilets in two years against the target of constructing 34,804 household latrines over 2015-17. Not only in individual household toilets, the corporation lags behind in public and community toilet construction as well. For a city with a population of over 10 lakh, Bhubaneswar has just 50 public toilets. The city administration had initiated the construction of hybrid toilets--a combination of public and community toilets under the AMRUT scheme. The results are similarly poor here as well.
Chhattisgarh seeks BARC's help to manage solid waste
The Chhattisgarh government has sought the help of Mumbai-based Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC) to manage its solid waste efficiently. BARC has been successful in managing and converting wet waste into compost and has also experimented in converting waste into electricity. A team of officials from BARC are expected to visit the state capital Raipur soon to take stock of the situation and suggest ways for managing its solid waste.
This is a roundup of important sanitation related news published between October 1 and 7, 2016


Post By: iwpsuperadmin