Training program on Object Oriented Project Planning Tool (OOPP) / Logical Framework Analysis (LFA) by Watershed Organisation Trust

Forwarded to the Portal by: Vandana Salvi, WOTR The Watershed Organisation Trust, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India is conducting a training program in 'Object Oriented Project Planning Tool (OOPP) / Logical Framework Analysis (LFA)' scheduled to be held from 23rd to 26th June 2008 at their Watershed Training Centre located at Darewadi, Tal. Sangamner, Dist. Ahmednagar. The training for OOPP also known as logical frame Analysis (LFA) is a tool to help project designers prepare a project by converting the needs and problems into objectives. The approach provides a systematic structure for identification, planning and management of projects developed in a workshop setting with principal interest groups. It links the goal and objectives of a project to its input and outputs. Keeping the goal clearly in view, while using this tool, project planners develop objective indictors and the means of verification of the same. Limited number of seats are available hence send in the nominations at the earliest. Nomination Form is downloadable here: Nomination Form Access the WOTR training schedule here:Training Schedule Image and Content Courtesy: WOTR Training in Object Oriented Project Planning Tool (OOPP) / Logical Framework Analysis (LFA) June 23 , 26, 2008 Venue: Watershed Training Centre Village Darewadi Taluka Sangamner District Ahmednagar, Maharashtra The Program: OOPP is also known as logical frame Analysis (LFA) is a tool to help project designers prepare a project by converting the needs and problems into objectives. The approach provides a systematic structure for identification, planning and management of projects developed in a workshop setting with principal interest groups. It links the goal and objectives of a project to its input and outputs. Keeping the goal clearly in view, while using this tool, project planners develop objective indictors and the means of verification of the same. It helps design the interventions at various stages with a clear link and logic. The output of the OOPP is a planning matrix i.e. the logical project framework. This OOPP approach is used for essentially all German as well as European Union Funded projects and other funding agencies from abroad. This is one of the pre-requisite for funding approval. Since last two years, WOTR has taken the policy decision to implement the LFA approach as a village envisioning to plan, design and implement the integrated village development through particularly LFA approach. The village key leaders have been capacitated with this technique and now they can develop their village envisioning plan as per their needs, ambitions and dreams involving all the stakeholders from the village. Course contents: • To provide a comprehensive understanding of LFA/OOPP • To provide new skill and tool to convert problems/objectives into a project which links the goal and objectives of a project to its inputs and outputs • To help the project planners develop objective indicators and the means of verification of the same which helps design the interventions at various stages with clear link and logic. Who Should attend: This program is designed for high managerial and medium level staff of the NGO, project planners and designers for funding from external agencies, govt. staff involved in the implementation of the project, consultants and policy makers of the project, evaluators and researcher of various projects i.e. Govt. and Non Govt. projects. Language: The course will be conducted in English and Hindi About the training Centre and facilities available : The Watershed Training Centre is located in a developed watershed, Darewadi. WOTR has set up its Training Centre in this village, as it offers an ideal location for conducting trainings, giving the trainees first hand experience of the field and its people, thus fostering understanding and learning of the various aspects of participatory watershed development. The objective of this centre is to offer 'live' training and exposure to the trainees, where the watershed will serve as the training ground and local community as resource persons. The Centre is well equipped with a large training hall with all the necessary facilities, a lobby for group discussions, a dormitory along with limited double/triple occupancy rooms (non AC) and a dinning hall. Rooms allotted to the participants will be on a sharing basis. Arrangements will be made to transport participants from WOTR's office at Ahmednagar to the Training Centre as well as drop them back to Ahmednagar at the conclusion of the training. Please make your return reservations accordingly, as it is difficult to get reservations from Ahmednagar at the last minute. Last date for submission of nomination forms: Please fill in the attached nomination form and send it along with the registration fee of Rs. 5000/- by a Demand Draft in the name of Watershed Organisation Trust, payable at Ahmednagar to the address given below to reach us latest by the 16th June 2008. Special Discount: For a group/institution sending 3 or more participants will be given a special discount of 15% on the course fees. Selection and confirmation: Confirmation letters regarding the acceptance of their nomination will be sent to participants. For further information please contact: The Manager Watershed Organisation Trust (WOTR) "Paryavaran", Behind Market Yard Ahmednagar , 414 001, Maharashtra Phone: (0241) 2450188, 2451460 Fax: (0241) 2451134 Email:, Website: Training in Object Oriented Project Planning Tool (OOPP) / Logical Framework Analysis (LFA) 23 - 26 June 2008 Nomination Form Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Age: _________________________ Sex: __________________________________ Designation: ___________________________________________________________________ Educational Status: ______________________________________________________________ Present Job Responsibilities: ______________________________________________________ Experience (years): _____________________________________________________________ Organisation: __________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _________________________ Fax: ____________________________ Email address: ______________________ Web site: ________________________ Your expectations from the Program: ________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Date of arrival: _________________________ Time of arrival:___________________________ (The bus taking the participants to the Training Centre will leave WOTR Head Office at Ahmednagar at 5 p.m. sharp on 22nd June 2008) PAYMENT DETAILS: Demand Draft No.:______________________________ Date:_____________________ Drawn on Bank: ________________________________________________________________ Amount: (Rs) __________________________ Please fill in the above form and send it along with DD before 16th June 2008 to: The Manager, Watershed Organisation Trust (WOTR), "Paryavaran"Behind Market Yard, Ahmednagar , 414 001, Maharashtra, FAX: 0241-2451134, Email:
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