TheWater Channel news flash - Video contest

The Water Channel

We are proud to announce the video contest "Water, Climate and.....Action!"

Water, Climate and…..Action!  Enter your short film in the contest!

Water Climate Action

From 22 September to 15 November 2010, the "Water, Climate and….Action!” short film contest is accepting entries on your experiences and messages about climate change and its aspects on water and your life.

Share your experiences and ideas with us! Selected short films will be projected during a side event at the 16th Convention on Climate Change (COP-16) in Cancun, Mexico. They will also be used to help convey the message that we need to act now to adapt to the effects of climate change to the policy and decision makers who hold our future in their hands.

The contest is being held by the United Nations World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP) and, with the support of the Mexican National Water Commission (CONAGUA) and the Mexican Consejo Consultivo del Agua, A.C.
For more detailed information, please visit the website
For more detailed information, please visit the website

Post By: iwp