Steel and Concrete Structures: Design and Technology - A Civil Engineering Course under the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning

This Civil Engineering Course under the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) on the broad subject of Design and Technology of Steel and Concrete Structures is being carried out by the Indian Institute of Technology’s and the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore as a collaborative project supported by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (Government of India) to enhance the quality of engineering education in the country, by developing curriculum based video and web courses. In these web based lectures, the authors have developed the subject in detail and in stages in a student-friendly manner. The broad group of Design and Technology of Steel and Concrete Structures is structured into the following topics:

Design of Concrete Structures

This course developed by IIT Kharagpur deals with (a) the objectives of the design of reinforced concrete structures, (b) the three methods of design of concrete structure and identification of the best method, (c) the basis of the analysis of structure, (d) the design loads in terms of  characteristic loads in limit state and working stress methods, (e) the characteristic load, (f) the different loads, forces and effects to be considered in the design, and (g) the basis of determining the combination of different loads acting on the structure. Please view the course at NPTEL website here

Pre-stressed Concrete Structures

This course developed by IIT Madras covers the basic concept, early attempts of prestressing and the development of building materials. The course underlines how prestressed concrete structure is different from a conventional reinforced concrete structure due to the application of an  initial load on the structure prior to its use.  The initial load or ‘prestress’ is applied to enable the structure to counteract the stresses arising during its service period. Please view the course modules at NPTEL website here. To view the course in the form of video please click here.

Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures

This course by IIT Kharagpur covers the design of reinforced concrete structures such as retaining wall, water tanks, staircases, flat slabs and principles of design pertaining to box culverts, mat foundation and bridges. The course provides comprehensive design knowledge related to structures, systems that are likely to be encountered in professional practice. Please view the course video at NPTEL website here

Concrete Technology

This course by IIT Kanpur deals with different aspects of modern concrete technology that has evolved as a result of rapid developments in mechanized construction such as use of mineral and chemical admixtures in concrete, use of concrete in more challenging environments, better understanding of the material properties of concrete, emphasis on durability, etc. The examples of special concretes and construction methods are used to illustrate the scientific principles involved therein and their engineering treatment. To a limited extent, provisions in codes and their limitations are also discussed. A brief discussion on maintenance of concrete structures, including non-destructive testing, evaluation criteria, repair and rehabilitation will also be included for completeness.

The contents cover (a) Fundamental of concrete - constituents, proportioning, mixing, transportation, placing and curing; Properties of fresh and hardened concrete (b) Quality control in concrete construction; Durability of concrete; Special concretes, construction methods and reinforcing materials and (c) Introduction to evaluation of existing structures and repair methods. Please view the details of the course at NPTEL website here

The same course by IIT Delhi deals with the fundamentals related to concrete and concrete materials, besides dealing with masonry, steel etc. It focuses more on detailed understanding of concrete making materials including supplementary cementitious materials. Concrete production process also forms a part of the discussion. Recent developments in concrete materials are also given adequate consideration. The courses will enable one to make appropriate decision regarding ingredient selection and use of concrete. Please view the details of the course at NPTEL website here

Design of Steel Structures

This applied engineering course by IIT Madras is in two parts and is intended to provide knowledge in supervision of steel construction and fabrication. It is also useful in designing simple structural elements and in making changes in design depending upon availability of materials. It deals with elementary design principles as per BIS code of practice. Please view the course modules at NPTEL website here. The same course by IIT Guwahati is available in the form of video here. The second part of the course by IIT Madras is available here


Post By: Amita Bhaduri