Standard operating procedure for responding to natural disasters Rural drinking water supply and sanitation A document by Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation 2011

 This document by Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation  spells out the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders in providing water, sanitation and hygiene services during different phases of disasters.

The objective of this document is to minimise the loss of lives and social, private and community assets during natural disasters by means of:

  • Providing efficient systems for cooperation and collaboration among all the departments / agencies of the governments at all levels including State / district administration and non- governmental organisations.
  • Building capacities of communities and line departments at national / state / district / village levels in effective preparedness, response & relief.
  • Ensure quick and effective response during disasters to minimize casualties and enable quick recovery, restoration and rehabilitation of water and sanitation facilities without delay.

The specific details to deal with disasters at different levels are elaborated under national, state/union territories, district/block, panchayat/village levels.

A copy of the document can be downloaded from below

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