SRI sammans for 2010-11 awarded to 35 farmers at symposium organised by Pragati in Koraput, Orissa - A report

These farmers were rewarded for successfully increasing the production of paddy using SRI in different parts of Koraput district.

SRI sammans for 2010-11 awarded to 35 farmers at symposium organised by Pragati While the symposium was inaugurated by Ashok Kumar Pangi, president, Zilla Parishad, Koraput, Bharat Chandra Nath, District Director of Agriculture highlighted the importance of systematic reduction in the use of chemical fertilizer and pesticide for sustainable growth. SRI was successful in controlling these factors and the district was gearing up for adopting SRI in at least 1500 hectare of land in the district, he added. A book on the progress of SRI in Koraput district was inaugurated on the occasion.

Farmers from all across the district took part in the symposium and shared their experience.

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