Source South Asia Water Sanitation NewsIssue 8 30 Sep 08

Since its foundation in 1968, the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC) has facilitated the sharing, promotion and use of knowledge so that governments, professionals and organisations can better support poor men, women and children in developing countries to obtain water and sanitation services they will use and maintain The Source Water and Sanitation News Service from IRC provides news in English, French and Spanish with an emphasis on rural and peri-urban areas in developing countries. The current Source South Asia Water & Sanitation News edition has a wide range of articles.

Some highlights are: Threat of water shortage in Afghanistan due to groundwater depletion: Survey reveals inadequate standards of hygiene in India: India: Officials sacked for not installing flushing toilets at home: Nepal: Students walk 30 minutes into the jungle for defecation as school lacks basic facilities: Srilanka imposes VAT on poorer segments of water consumers: Sulabh International gives lessons on sanitation to the Clinton Global Initiative: Updates on research into the cost & microbiological effectiveness of boiling water in semi-urban India is available here: Also research on vulnerability to diarrheal diseases during and after severe floods in Bangladesh: On the technology front, new findings indicate the necessity for varied treatments for arsenic contamination based on the groundwater composition: Learn more about Sanimap, a new communication tool for tackling water problems: More articles regarding funding sources, book reviews and much more are available in the current edition. Access here:Source South Asia Water & Sanitation News Archives: Source South Asia Water & Sanitation News

Post By: iwpsuperadmin