Some critical issues on groundwater in India - Centre for Water Policy

This document on the South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and People site by the Centre for Water Policy highlights the critical issues related to  groundwater in India and is divided into the following sections:

  • Characteristics of groundwater
  • How groundwater occurs
  • Destruction of grounwater recharge systems
  • Legal regimes
  • Groundwater in India
  • Static Fresh Groundwater Resource
  • Falling levels
  • Dams stop groundwater recharge
  • Groundwater contamination
  • Groundwater use and poverty
  • Bright spots of Groundwater status
  • Groundwater and Climate Change
  • Urban Rural Conflicts
  • MNC vs community conflicts
  • Groundwater and Electricity
  • Groundwater as water storage space
  • Groundwater recharge efforts
  • Recommendations

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Post By: arun