Softwares for hydrological analysis - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology

The report is set in the context of the growing application of computers in the field of hydrology, and the consequent development of large number of softwares for hydrological and allied applications. The report is structured as a Directory and presents brief details about softwares for hydrological and general purpose application available with the National Institute of Hydrology.

The softwares developed by the Institute and those procured from outside have been presented in separate sections. The brief details about the capabilities and requirements of the software including the hardware, software, input requirement and output have been provided.

Some of the softwares developed at NIH presented in the report include –

  • A Model for Simulation of Multi-reservoir System for Conservation Operation
  • Power Transfer Technique for Flood Frequency
  • Graphical Representation of Flow Duration Curve
  • Model Parameter Evaluation using Catchment Characteristics
  • Mass Curve Analysis and Sequent Peak Algorithm

Some softwares procured from other agencies are -

  • Application of Tank Model for Daily Runoff Analysis
  • BATS – Biosphere Atmosphere Transfer Scheme
  • SWIM – Soil Water Infiltration and Movement
  • SWIFT – Sandia Waste Isolation Flow and Transport Model
  • WMS – Watershed Modeling System

Download the report here:


Post By: Rama Mani