Software for a hydrological data year book – A report by National Institute of Hydrology

The report deals with software developed by the National Institute of Hydrology with the purpose of preparation of hydrological data book in a form most valuable to the users. A menu driven, user friendly software has been developed to handle all types of hydrological and meteorological data.

Hydrological and related meteorological data are needed for proper planning, development, management and optimal utilization of water resources of the country. High quality hydrologic data have historic value, in addition to providing a basis for research and design.

Hydrological data are required for design purposes of dams, bridges etc., navigation, planning of irrigation schemes, domestic water supply and water power. Various organizations like Central Water Commission (CWC), National Water Development Agency (NWDA), Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), Central Ground Water Board (CGWB), State Irrigation Departments etc., are involved in collection of hydrologic and other related data.

The data collected on hydrologic processes are generally in a raw form and cannot be used directly in most hydrologic analysis work. In the present systems there is a possibility of the repetition of data collection. Therefore, it is necessary to process and store the data of different basins at one place in a particular format. Some of these agencies are publishing their data in different forms as data books. Though more stress is given on rainfall and discharge data, yet other data on climatology, water quality, sediment and meteorology are also important.

Automated data processing using high speed computers have immense potential for handling large volumes of hydrologic data in a quick and economical way.

Download the report here:


Post By: Rama Mani