Shore line oscillation in Tamil Nadu's east coast: Coastal hazards, shore behavior and remedial measures

Author : R. Komagan

Analysis of shore line oscillation between the year 1978 to 2010 by considering the shore line oscillation reading in thirteen observation sites; regions between Cuddalore and Valinokkam in Tamil Nadu


The renewable living aquatic resources of the sea represent a unique gift of nature to mankind. Sea and its coast is an aesthetic gift of God, only comparable with the majestic mountains. The sound and serenity provided by the sea is one of the most sought after endowments of nature. Therefore, aesthetic considerations should play a significant role in development of the coastal areas.

Tamilnadu with an area of 1,30,000 is situated on the south eastern portion of peninsular India. It has got a coastline of about 950 km. along Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean and Arabian sea. About 46 rivers draining a total catchment of about 1,71,000 empty along this coast line. These rivers being fairly long and traveling the plateau and carry considerable sediment, which is fed into the seas, affecting the shore processes very significantly.

The coastal areas are also the place where natural disasters are experienced. The entire east coast, the west coast and the islands of Lakshadweep, Andaman and Nicobar face frequent cyclonic conditions which sometimes cause large scale destruction of life and property. The super cyclone had caused massive destruction along the coast of in 1999 and its impact was felt several kilometers inland. The tsunami, which occurred on 26th December, 2004 was one of the most serious and unexpected natural catastrophes to occur along the Indian coast. The major destruction caused by this tsunami was to the life and property along the coast of Andaman and Nicobar, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala. It would take several years to restore the damages caused by this natural catastrophe.

Post By: komagan