This document published by the Arsenic Policy Support Unit of the Government of Bangladesh on the social aspects of arsenic and arsenic mitigation consists of three chapters:
Chapter 1: Social aspects on arsenic contamination of drinking water: a review of knowledge and practice in Bangladesh and West Bengal
- Executive summary
- Introduction
- Health issues
- Epidemiological studies of arsenic-related morbidity
- Gender and arsenicosis: epidemiological studies
- Social issues associated with arsenicosis in women
- Arsenicosis and poverty
- Other health problems associated with arsenic
- Health risk substitution associated with alternative water sources
- Social factors and responses to the arsenic problem
- Poor people’s priorities
- People’s perceptions of arsenic
- Women’s interests and women’s capacity to participate
- What the experts see as their biggest problems
- Community mobilisation and staff training
- A project implemented directly by DPHE
- Staff training
- Using available ‘social capital
- Current and potential roles of local institutions
- DASCOH LGI project in north-western districts
- The urgent need for local water quality monitoring capacity
- Arsenic Mitigation Committees and others
- Conclusions and recommendations
- References
Chapter 2: Gender concerns in arsenic mitigation in Bangladesh: Trends and challenges
- Introduction
- Objectives
- Methodology
- Research findings and discussion
- Gender division of labour and coping mechanisms
- Workload in relation to collecting water
- Distance to water sources
- Changes in water collection due to arsenic mitigation
- Drinking water habits
- Gendered socio-economic impacts
- Gendered perception and awareness
- Gender and health concerns
- Gender and community management
- Conclusion
- References
Chapter 3: The arsenic crisis in Bangladesh and human rights issues
- Background
- What are human rights
- Why is arsenic poisoning a human rights issue?
- Strategic directions for addressing the human rights issues in relation to arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh
- Conclusion
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Post By: Rama Mani