Selected papers on the social aspects of arsenic and arsenic mitigation in Bangladesh

This document published by the Arsenic Policy Support Unit of the Government of Bangladesh on the social aspects of arsenic and arsenic mitigation consists of three chapters:

Chapter 1: Social aspects on arsenic contamination of drinking water: a review of knowledge and practice in Bangladesh and West Bengal

  • Executive summary
  • Introduction
  • Health issues
    • Epidemiological studies of arsenic-related morbidity
    • Gender and arsenicosis: epidemiological studies
    • Social issues associated with arsenicosis in women
    • Arsenicosis and poverty
    • Other health problems associated with arsenic
    • Health risk substitution associated with alternative water sources
  • Social factors and responses to the arsenic problem
    • Poor people’s priorities
    • People’s perceptions of arsenic
    • Women’s interests and women’s capacity to participate
  • What the experts see as their biggest problems
  • Community mobilisation and staff training
    • A project implemented directly by DPHE
    • Staff training
    • Using available ‘social capital
  • Current and potential roles of local institutions
    • DASCOH LGI project in north-western districts
    • The urgent need for local water quality monitoring capacity
    • Arsenic Mitigation Committees and others
  • Conclusions and recommendations
  • References

Chapter 2: Gender concerns in arsenic mitigation in Bangladesh: Trends and challenges

  • Introduction
  • Objectives
  • Methodology
  • Research findings and discussion
    • Gender division of labour and coping mechanisms
    • Workload in relation to collecting water
    • Distance to water sources
    • Changes in water collection due to arsenic mitigation
    • Drinking water habits
    • Gendered socio-economic impacts
    • Gendered perception and awareness
    • Gender and health concerns
    • Gender and community management
  • Conclusion
  • References

Chapter 3: The arsenic crisis in Bangladesh and human rights issues

  • Background
  • What are human rights
  • Why is arsenic poisoning a human rights issue?
  • Strategic directions for addressing the human rights issues in relation to arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh
  • Conclusion

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Post By: Rama Mani