Seasonal changes in groundwater hydrochemistry of Kakinada town - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology

The report deals with the results of a study on seasonal changes in groundwater hydrochemistry of Kakinada town of Andhra Pradesh. A total of 29 dug wells and 16 filter points were selected for assessing the hydrochemistry. The monthly groundwater levels measured form the wells indicated that they are different for wells located above and below the Mean Sea Level (MSL).

The spatial distribution of groundwater levels during pre monsoon (April 1997) and post monsoon periods (October 1997) were prepared and the approximate groundwater flow directions in the study area demarcated. The comparison of monthly rainfall and average groundwater table shows that the groundwater recharge in the study area is mainly due to monsoon rainfall. The rise of average groundwater table in the study area from pre monsoon to post monsoon period was 1m.

Groundwater samples were also analyzed for physical and chemical parameters. Stiff classification shows that most of the samples are under NaHCO3 type of water. The seasonal changes were observed only in major cations (Ca and Mg). Piper’s Trilinear classification shows that only three hydrochemical facies were observed in the study area.

US Salinity Laboratory classification shows that the quality of groundwater in the study area is suitable for irrigation purposes except in wells located near the salt creek.  More seasonal changes in chemical parameters are observed in dug wells than in filter points.

Download the report here:

Post By: Rama Mani