Review of hydrological studies in the North-eastern region - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology

The report tries to review the hydrological studies done in the northeastern region of India by all agencies, governmental or non-governmental. Sufficient care has been taken to include all the salient features of the studies to make it comprehensive. The various information  included in this report are the purpose and year of study, location and extent of the study area with its brief description, data used, list of specific studies along with its results and recommendations wherever possible.

An attempt has been made to pull together all the studies related to hydrology and its allied field. Besides these planned studies done by various departments, research studies done by academic institutions and research and development organizations has also been included.

Recommendations based on the review are:

  • The studies done till now adhere to prevailing guidelines and state of art methodology, but results of older studies done 30-40 years back need to be compared with actual observations.
  • While hydrological problems like floods and drainage congestion have been studied there is a lack of studies on silt problems for the area.
  • The north-east region has been seismically active and its effect on water resource projects has to be studied in details. Suitable hydrological & hydraulic studies and measures for disposal of the flood congestion are required.
  • Studies related to hydrological and meteorological network design need to be taken up and efforts should be made to establish permanent observation stations in the basin.
  • Representative and experimental basin studies should be given due importance to understand the complex interaction of the hydrological processes. These can also be used for studying the effects of changes in the catchment on the hydrological regime.
  • Water resource sector being highly interdisciplinary in nature and technological developments in this area being quite rapid, it is desirable to have better coordination between various agencies working in water sector and its allied fields.

Download the report here:

Post By: rajshekar