Research outputs from National Institute of Hydrology for 1996 to 2001

The research outputs from National Institute of Hydrology have been divided according to the year of creation below. You can also view an excel spreadsheet containing yearwise titles of all the studies by the institute.

Dam break study of Myntdu Leska Dam in Meghalaya using DAMBRK model – research output (2000-01)

This report by National Institute of Hydrology presents a study of the hypothetical failure of Myntdu Leska dam in the southern part of Meghalaya near the international Indo-Bangladesh border. The maximum water level attained by the dam break flood in the river downstream of dam has been calculated and ascertained for extent of submergence of the area.

Furthermore, the dam break flood wave characteristics at four different sections downstream of the dam have been determined for different failure characteristics. The sensitivity studies of the various parameters have also been done to know their effect over the movement of dam break flood wave.

The safety of the downstream area of dam against its possible failure is one of the most important aspects to be considered during the planning, design, construction and operation of the dam. Flood wave due to a failure always assumes large magnitudes and inundates large area in the downstream portion.

The DAMBRK model developed by the US National Weather Service (NWS) attempts to represent the current state-of-art understanding of dam failures and the utilization of hydrodynamic theory to predict the dam break wave formation and downstream progression. The model has wide applicability and can function with various levels of input data ranging from rough estimates to complete data specification.

The study concludes that the spillway capacity is sufficient enough to pass the peak of the most severe flood (PMF) even when the reservoir is at Full Reservoir Level (FRL) and therefore the dam will not fail by overtopping. The dam may fail by breaching for which the study has been done. The reservoir storage is very low while the carrying capacity of the river is very high in general. Therefore, the dam break flood does not spill at any location except at Ch-6.93 km. Even at this section the peak of flood hydrograph passes safely as the water spread is sufficient.  Read the study

Uncertainty analysis of GIUH based Clark model using first order analysis for a catchment of Lower Godavari sub-zone – research output (1999-2000) 

In this study, uncertainty analysis has been carried out for the parameters of the mathematical model developed at National Institute of Hydrology for estimation of the Clark model parameters using the geomorphological characteristics of an ungauged catchment. The model has been applied for simulation of direct surface runoff (DSRO) hydrographs of the catchment defined by bridge number 807 of the Lower Godavari sub-zone 3 (f).

Uncertainty analysis outlines the inability to exactly model a real world hydrologic situation even if the best possible estimates of the input parameters of the model are utilized. An added complication with most of the hydrologic models is that in general these models are structured with several uncertain input parameters. The sources of uncertainty in model output are model structure itself and the uncertainty associated with the parameter of the model.

The geomorphological parameters of the catchment have been evaluated using the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) package Integrated Land and Water Information Systems (ILWIS). The direct surface runoff hydrographs estimated by the Geomorphological Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (GIUH) approach has been compared with the observed direct surface runoff hydrographs as well as with the DSRO hydrographs simulated by the Nash model and the HEC-1 package.

The performance of the GIUH model has also been evaluated by employing some of the error functions viz., (i) efficiency (EFF) (ii) the absolute average error (AAE) (iii) root mean square error (RMSE) (iv) average error in volume (AEV) (v) percentage error in time to peak (PETP) computed based on the observed and the simulated DSRO hydrographs. It is observed that the DSRO hydrographs computed by the GIUH based Clark model approach, which simulates the DSRO hydrographs of the catchment considering it to be ungauged, compare reasonably well with the observed and the simulated DSRO hydrographs.

For carrying out the uncertainty analysis, the geomorphological parameters viz length ratio (RL), length of the highest order stream (LΩ), length of the main stream (L) and the velocity parameter (V) apart from the aforementioned geomorphological parameters, have been considered.

Relative sensitivity analysis has been conducted for identifying the parameters of the GIUH based Clark model, which significantly affect peak of the unit hydrograph on the basis of their relative sensitivity coefficients. Uncertainty analysis has been carried out by first order analysis (FOA). Also, upper and lower 95 per cent confidence limits for the peak of the unit hydrograph derived by the GIUH based Clark model have been computed. Read the study

Research outputs (1998-99)

The links below provide access to research papers from National Institute of Hydrology for the year 1998-99:

Estimation of Sedimentation Rates and useful Life of Lake Nainital in Kumaun Himalayas, U P, using Radiometric Dating Techniques. (Size:1.8MB)
Determination of Hydraulic Conductivity of Soils in Central Bihar (Size:1.1MB)
Development of Geomorphological Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph for Myntdu - Leska Basin (Size:0.8MB)
Variation of Soil Moisture Characteristics in a part of Hindon River Catchment (Size:1.2MB)
Statistical Analysis of Rainfall in Sagar Division (Size:1.8MB)
Water Balance Of Lake Nainital, Kumaun Himalayas, U P (Size:1.4MB)
Pollution Potential of the Pesticides in the Hindon River (Size:0.7MB)
Ground Water Quality in Greater Guwahati, Assam with Reference to Trace Elements (Size:0.9MB)
Adsorption of Zinc on Bed Sediments of River Ganga (Size:1.2MB)
Water Quality of District Hardwar ( U P ) (Size:0.8MB)
Implementation of SCS Model in Dudhnai Sub Division ( Assam / Meghalaya ) (Size:0.9MB)
Drought Studies for Kalahandi District in Orissa (Size:2MB)
Drought Characterisation in Sub Humid Climatic Region (Size:1.1MB)
Spatial Evaluation of Ground Water Levels and its Quality in Kakinada Town, A P (Size:1.2MB)
Base Flow Studies for Three Rivers Between Mahanadi and Godavari Deltas in the Sub Zone 4(A) (Size:0.7MB)
Daily Rainfall Runoff Modelling using a Simple Conceptual Model for Gundlakamma River in A P (Size:1.2MB)
Landuse / Landcover Mapping of Devak Catchment, Jammu ( J&K ) (Size:0.9MB)
Bathymetric Study of Mansar Lake District Udhampur ( J&K) (Size:1.6MB)
Preliminary Hydrological Investigations of Deepar Beel and Strategies for its Monitoring and Management (Size:1.6MB)
Performance Evaluation of Percolation Ponds for Artificial Recharge - A case study (Size:1.5MB)
Hydro Chemical Studies of Hindon River (Size:1.2MB)
Precipitation Network Design for Myntdu - Leska Basin (Size:0.8MB)
Estimating Hydrological Parameters for Water Balance Studies in Tambaraparni River Basin, Tamil Nadu (Size:0.9MB)
Capacity Evaluation of Bhakra Reservoir using Digital Analysis of Satellite Data (Size:4.2MB)
Spatial Variability of Ground Water Quality in Jammu District ( J&K ) (Size:1.2MB)
Spectral Reflectance, Plant Growth Chrolophyll and Water use Relationships for Rice Crop in Semi Arid Region of India (Size:0.8MB)
Sediment Yield Estimation for Lower Satluj Basin (Size:1.7MB)
Ground Water Quality Monitoring and Evaluation in Jammu and Kathua Districts, J&K State (Size:1.2MB)
Geomorphological and Landuse Planning for Danda Watershed ( Tehri-Gharwal District, U P ) (Size:1.5MB)
Computation of Water Surface Profiles using HEC River Analysis System (Size:0.9MB)
Rainfall Runoff Modelling of Western Ghat Region of Karnataka (Size:1.4MB)
Representative Basin Studies: Hydrological Soil Calculation of Suddagedda Basin, A P (Size:0.9MB)
Geomorphological Study of Deval Basin (Size:0.8MB)
Representative Basin Studies: Changes in Landuse/ cover and Establishment of SCS Runoff Curve Number for Suddagedda Basin, A P (Size:0.7MB)
Soil Classification of Dudhnai Representative Basin ( Assam / Meghalaya ) (Size:3.7MB)
Simulation of Flood Hydrograph using an Event Based Rainfall Runoff Model (Size:0.9MB)
Study of Lake Nainital - Groundwater Interaction using Isotope Techniques (Size:4.4MB)
Snow and Glacier Contribution in the Satluj River at Bhakra Dam (Size:1MB)
Implementation and Testing of the Storm Water Management Model ( SWMM ) Software (Size:3MB)
Hydrological Inventory of River Basins in Eastern Uttar Pradesh (Size:1.6MB)
Hyrological Inventory of South Bihar River Basins (Size:1.5MB)
Review of Hydrological Study in North Eastern Region (Size:5.5MB)
Present Status of Urban Hydrology (Size:2.5MB)
Hydrological Problems of Hard Rock Region ( A State of Art Report ) (Size:4.5MB)
Status and Problems related with Mountain Hydrology (Size:2.2MB)
Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in Surface Water Hydrology (Size:1.6MB)
Application of GIUH and GIS Based Approach for Design Flood Estimation (Size:2.6MB)
Analysis of Unsteady Flow for Subsurface Drains (Size:0.6MB)
Methodology for the Water Availability Computations Under Different Data Availability Scenarios (Size:1.9MB)
Long Term Hydrologic Simulation using SCS - CN Method (Size:0.9MB)
Effect of Anisotropy on Seepage from a Waterbody (Size:0.8MB)
Salt Water Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers (Size:1.2MB)
Estimation of Dispersion Coefficient from Data on Soil Coloum Test
Flood Control Regulation of a Multi Reservoir System (Size:1.1MB)
Mathematical Modelling of Branched Flows in Alluvial Channels (Size:0.9MB)
Determination of Snow and Ice Melt Factors in the Himalayan Region through Field Investigations (Size:0.9MB)
Modelling of Flow in the Canal Due to Breach of Bank ( Part - 1 ) (Size:1.2MB)
Rigorous Derivation of Hooghoudt's Equation for Drainage Spacing (Size:1.1MB)
Rainfall Runoff Modelling of Baitarani River Basin Upto Anandapura using HEC-1 (Size:0.6MB)
Study of Soil Moisture Movement and Recharge to Groundwater Due to Monsoon Rains and Irrigation using Tritium Tagging Technique in Hardwar District (Size:1.1MB)
Rigorous Derivation of Hooghoudt's Equation for Drainage Spacing (Size:1MB)
Development of a Distributed Catchment Model (Size:2.5MB)
Procedures for Systematic Processing of Rainfall Data (Size:2.7MB)

Research outputs (1997-98)

The links below provide access to research papers from National Institute of Hydrology for the year 1997-98:

Spectral Response of Rice Plant Canopy (Size:0.7MB)
Rainfall- Runoff Modelling of Morel Catchment for Design Flood Estimation (Size:1.3MB)
Application of Topmodel to Malaprabha Catchment (Size:0.9MB)
Salinity Modelling of Groundwater in Saharanpur and Hardwar District (Size:1.4MB)
Identification of Water Quality Monitoring Sites on the Kshipra River (Size:1.2MB)
Arsenic Pollution in Ground Water of West Bengal (Size:1.2MB)
Geomorphological Study of Myntdu River Basin (Size:0.8MB)
Watershed Modelling with GIS Based Distributed Unit Hydrograph Approach (Size:3.5MB)
Estimation of Runoff from Bewas Basin using SCS Curve Number Model (Size:1.3MB)
Groundwater Quality Monitoring and Evaluation in and around Greater Guwahati ( Assam ) (Size:2.7MB)
Calibration of a Ctchment Model using SCE-UA Algorithm (Size:1MB)
Rainfall - Runoff Modelling for Water Availability Study in Ken River Basin using SCS-Cn Model and Remote Sensing Approach (Size:2MB)
Modelling at Vasishta Godavari River Mouth using Feswms - 2DH (Size:0.9MB)
Application of A Modified SCS - CN Model (Size:0.6MB)
Development of Data Simulation Model and Irrigation Schedules for Eastern Godavari Delta, Andhra Pradesh (Size:1.1MB)
Daily Rainfall - Runoff Modelling of Rushikulya River, Orissa (Size:1.1MB)
Hydrological Modelling using GIS (Size:2.1MB)
Sensitivity Analysis of Aquifer Parameters in Anantpur District. ( A P ) (Size:1.3MB)
Groundwater Quality Stuides in Belgaum City (Size:1MB)
Water Quality Monitoring and Evaluation of Mansar Lake, District Udhampur, J & K (Size:0.8MB)
Groundwater Quality Monitoring and Evaluation in Jammu and Kathua Districts, J & K (Size:1.4MB)
Seasonal Changes in Groundwater Hydrochemistry of Kakinada Town, A P, During the year 1997. (Size:1.2MB)
Estimation of Sediment Yield and Runoff from small Watershed using 'Wepp' Model (Size:1.2MB)
Representative Basin Studies : Morphometric Analysis of Suddagedda Basin, Andhra Pradesh. (Size:0.6MB)
Conjunctive use Studies in Pennar Delta Canal System : Aquifer Response Modelling for Southern Channel Command Area (Size:0.8MB)
Groundwater Quality Monitoring and Evaluation in and around Greater Guwahati ( Assam ) (Size:2MB)
Regional Low Flow Analysis for Narmada Basin (Size:1.5MB)
Flood Studies in Sutlej Basin (Size:0.9MB)
Hydrological Land use Mapping in Narmada Basin from Jabalpur to Hoshangabad (Size:1.1MB)
Hydrological Aspects of Flood Disaster Management (Size:1.2MB)
Softwares for Hydrological Applications (Size:1.2MB)
Some News Regarding Hydrological Problems of the Country (Size:3.2MB)
Recent Technical Literature Relevant for the Hydrologists of the Country (Size:5.4MB)
Review of Artficial Recharge Practices (Size:2.2MB)
Status Report on Sagar Lake (Size:2.8MB)
Regional Flood Frequency Analysis Using L Moments (Size:2MB)
Soil Erosion and Sediment Yield Modelling Using Kinematic Wave in GIS Envoronment (Size:2.4MB)
Sensitivity Analysis of Melt Runoff Due to Temperature and Precipitation (Size:1.2MB)
Sensitivity Analysis of Hydrological Parameters on Flood Hydrograph (Size:1.4MB)
Trace Analysis of Pesticides by Gas Chromatography (Size:1.2MB)
Feasibility Study of Rainwater Harvesting in Semi - Arid Region (Size:2MB)
Overland Flow Modelling for Urban Catchment Considering Random Roughness Coefficients and Irregular Land Surface (Size:1MB)
One Dimensional Modelling of Branched Free Surface Flow (Size:1MB)
Influence of Fractured Zone on Seepage from a Water Body (Size:1.1MB)
Adsorption of Cadmium on Bed Sediments (Size:0.7MB)
Stream Aquifer Interaction in Multi Layered System (Size:0.7MB)
Study of Impact of Wet and Dry Spells in Rainfall Records on the Water Availability Estimates (Size:1MB)
Development of Relationship between Glacier Melt Runoff and Meteorological Parameters (Size:1.3MB)
Effect of Non-Hydrostatic Pressure Distribution on Dam Break Flood Wave Movement (Size:1MB)
Systematic Procedure for the Components of Water Balance Computation of the Lakes - Part - 1 Evaporation (Size:1.3MB)
Development of Instrument for Automation of Irrigation Scheduling and Ground Water Recharge Monitoring Using Soil Moisture Measurement
Guidelines for Hydrological Investigations in a Small Watershed (Size:2.3MB)
Reservoir Sedimentation Study for Ukai Dam Using Satellite Data (Size:4MB)
Software for a Hydrological Data Year Book
Expert System for Unit Hydrograph Analysis (Size:1.8MB)

Research outputs (1996-97)

The links below provide access to research papers from National Institute of Hydrology for the year 1996-97:

Tank Studies in Belgaum District (Size: 0.7MB)
Soil Physio - Chemical Properties of Basantar Catchment, J & K (Size: 1.2MB)
Modelling of an Indian Estuary using Two Dimensional Finite Element Model (Size: 0.8MB)
Groundwater Quality Modelling in Nargund - Navalgund (Size: 1.5MB)
Groundwater Modelling in Ghataprabha Sub Basin of Krishna River Basin (Size: 1.7MB)
Water Quality Study of the Mansar Lake District Udhampur, J & K (Size: 0.9MB)
Estimation of Hydrological Soil Properties of Narsingpur District (Size: 1.1MB)
Hydrological Investigations and Instrumentation in a small watershed in Gharwal Himalayas (Size: 2.6MB)
Estimation of Soil Erosion and Sediment Yield using GIS (Size: 1.8MB)
Space - Time Distribution of Rainfall in the Catchment of Yeleru River Downstream of Yeleswaram (Size: 1.2MB)
Groundwater Quality Studies in Jammu and Kathua Districts ( J&K ) (Size: 2.2MB)
Sediment Yield Estimation and Watershed Prioritization in Shakkar River (Size: 1.4MB)
Development of Regional Flood Formula for Krishna Basin (Size: 1.9MB)
Review of Methods for Analyzing Pump Test Data (Size: 0.8MB)
Procedure for Risk Based Hydrologic Design (Size: 2.7MB)
Recent Technical Literature Relevant for the Hydrologists of the Country (Size: 5.5MB)
Hydrological Aspects of Watershed Development (Size: 4.9MB)
Some News Regarding Hydrological Problems of the Country (Size: 1.5MB)
Adsorption of Lead and Zinc Ions and Sediments (Size: 1MB)
Development of a Conceptual Model for Snow, Glacier and Rainfed Catchments (Size: 1MB)
Effect of Discontinuous Aquitard on the Seepage from a Static Water Body (Size: 1MB)
Metal Pollution Assesment Through Aquatic Sediments (Size: 2.1MB)
Assesment of Probability Distribution of Dissolved Oxygen (Size: 1.1MB)
Automated Mapping of Snow Cover Using IRS - 1C Data (Size: 1.5MB)
Parameter Characterization for Solute Transport in Groundwater (Size: 2.1MB)
Catchment Modelling in GIS Environment (Size: 1.4MB)
Wind Erosion and Lake Sedimentation in Desert Area (Size: 1.1MB)
Effect of Channel Characteristics on Flood Wave Propagation (Size: 0.7MB)
Assesment of Irrigation Return Flow (Size: 0.6MB)
Analysis of Flow to a Multi - Aquifer Well; A Numerical Approach (Size: 0.6MB)
Single Column Hydrologic Simulation Using She Model (Size: 1.1MB)
Field Testing of Weighing Rain Guage ( WRG ) (Size: 0.8MB)
Study of Recharge to Groundwater due to Monsoon Rains Using Tritium Tagging Technique in parts of District Narsinghpur ( M P ) (Size: 1.1MB)
Tsunami (Size: 3.5MB)
Software for Reservoir Analysis ( SRA ) (Size: 2.3MB)
Flood Estimation for Large Catchments Using Deterministic Approach (Size: 4MB)

Our thanks to National Institute of Hydrology for providing us the content contained in this section. For more information on the institute click here. 

Post By: rajshekar